
Jana Hocking: Stranger came onto AFL star while we were on a date

Dating a famous footy star might sound fun, but as Jana Hocking found out, it is like a battle field and some women are prepared to play dirty.

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When it comes to telling another person that you like them, most of us settle for a text message.

But Jana Hocking has revealed the very forward way a former AFL player revealed he had his sights set on her – and it definitely sets the bar high.

Speaking on this week’s episode of podcast Kinda Sorta Dating, Jana revealed how she had dated a former AFL player for a year after they met while working on TV show Getaway.

They formed a firm friendship over four years but then when Jana left to work on The Footy Show, the AFL great – who was 20 years her senior – decided to make his feelings known in a very obvious way.

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Kinda Sorta Dating podcast host Jana Hocking has revealed the over the top way a former AFL star revealed he liked her. Picture: Instagram/Jana Hocking.
Kinda Sorta Dating podcast host Jana Hocking has revealed the over the top way a former AFL star revealed he liked her. Picture: Instagram/Jana Hocking.

“I went to go work on The Footy Show and he got really jealous, and so he sent all these really big roses and it was so – a dog just peeing on his territory,” Jana said.

“We weren’t even dating then but he was like, ‘she’s mine’ which was quite cute, I found it cute.”

Jana and the former footy player had a long distance relationship with her based in Sydney while he continued to live in Melbourne.

“Every time I went to go visit him in Melbourne it was madness … he was treated like a god there. AFL in Melbourne is completely different to anything I’ve experienced,” she said.

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It would be ‘madness’ whenever Jana visited the footy great in Melbourne. Picture: Instagram/Jana Hocking.
It would be ‘madness’ whenever Jana visited the footy great in Melbourne. Picture: Instagram/Jana Hocking.

“And then he’d come to Sydney and we could go to dinner, and it was almost like it was weird him not getting (attention).”

But one of the most challenging parts of their relationship was the amount of attention he would get from other women, often right in front of Jana.

“I used to get a bit jealous because I found girls – when it comes to football players – are ruthless, I had girls circling our table, giving him the eye, cracking onto him in front of me,” she said.

“I was like am I chopped liver? I would get quite offended.”

Jana previously said she would never date another football player. Picture: Instagram/Jana Hocking.
Jana previously said she would never date another football player. Picture: Instagram/Jana Hocking.

Jana has previously revealed why she would never date another football player, writing: “As with any moderately famous person, footballers are the source of much gossip. I’m not saying it’s them, because generally, it’s not. This really is a case of ‘it’s not you, it’s me’.

“In fact, I’d go as far as to say they are targeted. The not very fun part as their partner is not knowing who, or what, to believe.”

Jana said she had “gone fairly steady with an NRL lad, made it official with a former AFL gent and even been introduced to the Italian Mumma at my A-League boyfriend’s family get-together”.

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