
Young woman reveals scary trend she keeps witnessing in Australia

A young Aussie has called out a disturbing trend she’s been noticing and why she “hears it” everywhere.

Young Aussie notices sad man trend

“There is nothing more disrespectful than an Australian man talking to his girlfriend,” a young influencer has claimed.

Jordan Tan, 23, has noticed a disturbing trend of Australian men talking poorly to their partners in public and she’s not alone in her observation.

Ms Tan, who resides in Western Australia, shared on TikTok that she was sick of seeing men speak badly to their romantic partners, amassing over 140,000 views in the process.

“I overhear so many of these men talking to their girlfriends like absolute sh*t and like out in public too. Like, not that it should happen ever, but it is so blatantly obvious,” she said.

Ms Tan said she overhears men talk poorly to their partners. Picture: Instagram/_jordantan_
Ms Tan said she overhears men talk poorly to their partners. Picture: Instagram/_jordantan_
She was at the gym recently when she heard a man talk badly to his partner. Picture: Instagram/_jordantan_
She was at the gym recently when she heard a man talk badly to his partner. Picture: Instagram/_jordantan_

Ms Tan said she was in the gym the other day when she was unnerved to hear how a man was speaking to his girlfriend.

“This guy was talking to his girlfriend like absolute sh*t. He was saying, ‘Oh, your form is so sh*t’. Why wouldn’t you help her and encourage her?” she said.

Another time, Ms Tan observed a woman stopping to look at a pool, her partner turning around, and saying to her, “Are we walking or what?”

“Where does the audacity come from? I can’t imagine talking to anyone like that. Let alone my girlfriend I’m supposed to love,” she said.

Ms Tan told that she first noticed the trend of men speaking badly to their girlfriends in high school.

The 23-year-old said that some men, not all, but enough, are “condescending, passive-aggressive, and talk down to their girlfriends”.

She explained she first noticed men talking poorly to their girlfriends in high school. Picture: Instagram/_jordantan_
She explained she first noticed men talking poorly to their girlfriends in high school. Picture: Instagram/_jordantan_

Ms Tan said it is so common that she thinks most women are used to being treated like “garbage” and write it off as normal behaviour, and women’s standards are depressingly low for men.

“We are not used to even getting the bare minimum. We are so used to being treated like sh*t. That when someone treats you with the bare minimum respect, you’re like ‘oh my God”, she said.

She’s often struck by how men speak to their partners and realises that “a level of respect just isn’t there”.

“You just hear it all the time. You hear it in bars, at the gym, you just hear it,” she said.

Ms Tan said overhearing the way men speak to women often makes her feel “powerless” and she thinks it is on other men to call it out.

“I think other secure men need to be speaking up,” she said.

Ms Tan thinks other men should call it out. Picture: Instagram/_jordantan_
Ms Tan thinks other men should call it out. Picture: Instagram/_jordantan_
Ms Tan’s rant struck a chord with Australian women. Picture: Instagram/_jordantan_
Ms Tan’s rant struck a chord with Australian women. Picture: Instagram/_jordantan_

Ms Tan’s rant struck a chord with Australian women who shared how they’ve noticed this trend and how upsetting it is.

One young woman shared that after separating from her children’s dad, someone pulled her aside and said she was glad she’d left him because she was “disgusted” with how she spoke to her.

Another said it could be hard to identify the behaviour when you’re in a relationship, and it wasn’t until she broke up with her ex-boyfriend that she realised how “badly” he spoke to her.

“My ex used to say mean things to me and made it out to be a joke,” she explained.

One revealed that she ended up dumping a guy because he thought it was “funny to speak down to me”, and someone else said that she’d dated a man who was prone to cruel remarks and, “years and years later, I still remember the exact criticisms he’d throw at me”.

One observed that she’d noticed the trend as well, but found that if you try to call it out, Aussie men will claim it is just “banter”, but often, it is just “mean and rude”.

Another said she doesn’t “enjoy being out in public anymore” because she’s sick of overhearing the way men speak to their partners.

“Men purposely put down women to manipulate them into wanting their approval. It’s a pick up tactic too,” another claimed.

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