
Supermarket divides shoppers with ‘offensive’ reusable tote bag

A UK supermarket has sparked debate over the use of one word on its reusable tote bags – with some saying it “normalises misogyny”.

Monday, July 1 | Top stories | From the Newsroom

Reusable shopping bags are a must for a modern day grocery shop, but how often do we tend to leave them in the car boot?

Well, one UK supermarket has recently launched a tote that might be harder to forget – emblazoned with a word that’s led to debate among shoppers.

Discussed on UK TV show This Morning, as reported by Kidspot, the hosts couldn’t decide whether or not the Waitrose bag was worthy of the “uproar” or if it was simply a bit of harmless fun.

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'Offensive' shopping bag that is dividing the internet

‘It says ‘tart’ on it’

“This is a bag from Waitrose that says ‘tart’ on it,” presenter Ashley James began, showing viewers the tote, which also features an illustration of a strawberry.

“There’s also other ones, which have a picture of an apple and crumble so clearly within the context of the range of bags, but they knew what they were doing.

“Some people find it funny. Other people are saying it normalises misogyny.”

At the latter statement, This Morning guest panellist Nick Ferrari could be seen rolling his eyes, as James discussed the problematic cultures that can feed into societal views of women.

A grocery store in the UK has sparked debate over the use of one word on its reusable tote bags – with some saying it ‘normalises misogyny’.
A grocery store in the UK has sparked debate over the use of one word on its reusable tote bags – with some saying it ‘normalises misogyny’.
One of the panellists deemed it ‘a great PR story’ for Waitrose. Picture: Adrian Dennis/AFP
One of the panellists deemed it ‘a great PR story’ for Waitrose. Picture: Adrian Dennis/AFP

‘A great PR story’

“All these kinds of things that normalise sexism are always brushed off as banter,” James said.

“So I personally would claim owning a ‘tart’ bag, but in the context of society, I just think it’s kind of unnecessary.

“But am I offended by said bag? No – I think it’s a great PR (public relations) story.”

Ferrari, a journalist, said he also wasn’t offended by the bag – saying whether or not people want to purchase it comes down to individual choice.

“If the only shopping bag the store was giving out was that one with the word ‘tart’ on it, I would have a real problem,” he said.

“But you’re offered a choice of bag and if a bloke or a woman wants to take one of those, let them do it.

“I think there are far greater things just to worry about in this country.”

‘I love the bag!’

The hundreds of comments across social media channels suggest that many people had strong opinions on whether or not this cheeky shopping carryall was “offensive”.

“Love the bag,” one person wrote. “I’m gonna go get one and use it all summer, I’m not offended by it, it’s hilarious.”

“I expect Waitrose knew exactly what they were doing when they put ‘tart’ on that bag,” another said. “Look at all the publicity they are receiving!”

A third added: “If you don’t like it, don’t buy it, it’s as simple as that! On and if you feel offended by looking at it when others have it, turn your head in a different direction … problem solved!”

While one woman wasn’t offended, she said she didn’t fancy owning the fruity tote.

“I certainly would not walk around carrying a bag emblazoned with the word TART. It’s just asking for trouble,” she concluded.

This article originally appeared on Kidspot and was reproduced with permission

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