
‘Sleazy’ Queensland MP slammed for posing with young foreign tourists on World Bikini Day

QUEENSLAND MP Jason Costigan has been deemed “sleazy” and “creepy” over a video he posted in honour of World Bikini Day.

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DEPUTY Premier Jackie Trad has branded Whitsunday MP Jason Costigan a “sleazebag” after he posted a video on Facebook with two bikini-clad young tourists as he “celebrated” World Bikini Day.

The Whitsunday MP posted the video introducing the two young women from the UK and the Netherlands from the shores of Pioneer Bay, dressed in bikinis.

Ms Trad was fired up in response to Mr Costigan’s post, telling her 13,000 likers the Member for Whitsunday was a “sleazebag,” also including a vomiting emoji.

“You wouldn’t know it, but this lad is Jason Costigan – the LNP Member for Whitsunday,” Ms Trad wrote in response to the clip.

“It’s 2018. He’s an elected official. He’s being paid by the taxpayer. And yesterday he was out ‘celebrating’ world bikini day by creeping on young, foreign tourists.


Response to Ms Trad’s post was mixed.

Many agreed with Ms Trad’s belief that Mr Costigan was out of line.

But there were those who thought the Deputy Premier had debased her position by calling the member a “sleazebag”.

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