
‘Seriously disgusting’: Schoolies Australia becomes top search on Pornhub

A disturbing trending search on Pornhub relating to Aussie teenagers attending Schoolies has been blasted as “seriously disgusting”.

Schoolies slammed over ‘foul’ act

An alarming trending search on a pornographic website relating to Australian teenagers attending Schoolies celebrations has been exposed.

Week two of the end-of-school celebrations kicked off over the weekend, following a chaotic first week.

Now, it has been revealed an alarming search term has shot to the top of the trending list on X-rated website, Pornhub.

“Schoolies Australia” is currently sitting at the top of the trending searches on the website.

This is particularly concerning as the teenagers attending Schoolies events have just graduated from Year 12, meaning many of the attendees are either 17-years-old or only recently turned 18.

One TikTok user uploaded a screenshot of the trending search, blasting the situation as “seriously disgusting”.

The poster urged men to “do better”, adding they were “so thankful that you now have to be verified to post”.

‘Schoolies Australia’ is currently one of the most searched terms on Pornhub. Picture: bsod.tan/TikTok
‘Schoolies Australia’ is currently one of the most searched terms on Pornhub. Picture: bsod.tan/TikTok

This comment prompted one person to ask how the poster knew it was men searching the term, to which they responded telling them to “be for real”.

In response to another person asking who looks that kind of thing up, the poster said: “Most Australian men on PH apparently atm”. has contacted Pornhub for comment.

Under Pornhub’s guidelines, the only people able to upload content to the website are verified unloaders, content partners and models.

When uploading, the user must have obtained consent from every individual appearing in the content and must have “carefully ascertained and examined a valid governmental photo identification demonstrating that they are at least 18 years of age on the day they are photographed, filmed or otherwise appearing in such Content”.

“This applies to all individuals, whether identifiable or not, or whether nude or not,” the website’s terms and conditions state.

“We may, in our sole discretion, terminate your account if you breach any of the Terms of Service or at any time for any reason even without cause.

“If we believe that your Content violates any criminal laws, the Website’s Child Sexual Abuse Material Policy, the Website’s Non-Consensual Content Policy, your account will immediately be terminated, you will be banned from the Website without notice and we will report you to law enforcement authorities.”

Week two of Schoolies kicked off over the weekend. Picture: Tom Huntley
Week two of Schoolies kicked off over the weekend. Picture: Tom Huntley

Disturbing Schoolies checklist shared online

Last week, revealed that a sexually explicit “checklist” was being shared around by one teenager to a number of online groups.

Posting a screenshot of the list in two separate Schoolies dedicated Facebook groups, the teen wrote: “Hey guys my friends made this checklist for me anyone keen to help tick some off?”

The list included 10 challenges, the majority of which involved sexual acts with “chicks”.

One of the tasks listed was to “hook up with a disabled chick” and to have sexual intercourse “somewhere f**ked”.

A number of the challenges involved illegal drugs, including doing a line of cocaine off a “chick’s ass” and filming yourself having sexual intercourse while “ripping a cone” (smoking marijuana from a bong).

This sexually explicit ‘checklist’ was posted in multiple Schoolies Facebook groups. Picture: Facebook
This sexually explicit ‘checklist’ was posted in multiple Schoolies Facebook groups. Picture: Facebook

Other items included sleeping somewhere “f**ked”, defecating in a bed and getting a “f**ked tattoo”.

Before being deleted, the disgusting posts were met with a number of likes and laughing emojis from other group members.

“I wanna see you do number 7,” one person wrote on the post, referring to the challenge to “hook up” with a person with a disability.

The poster responded saying he was “keen for that one”.

Another commenter offered for the poster to help them complete the first task so long as they were “shouting lines beforehand”, to which the teen responded “ofc”.

Schoolies girls expose texts from ‘desperate creep’

A number of teenage girls who attended the first week of Schoolies celebrations issued a warning to other partygoers after they all received vile messages from the same man.

Multiple girls said they had been contacted by the man in response to posts about selling or buying official Schoolies wristbands.

The wristbands are a requirement for those attending Schoolies on the Gold Coast, with the purpose being to prove the wearer is a genuine Year 12 school leaver.

Those with wristbands are given access to a number of government-run Schoolies events and services and are obtained by either registering online or producing a valid Australian Year 12 ID.

As a result, Facebook groups have been flooded with requests from people selling or wanting to buy these wristbands.

However, girls in these groups have been warned to avoid one particular account, which has been using the lure of wristbands to repeatedly ask the teens to send nude photographs.On Tuesday night, one Schoolies attendee posted a message exchange she had with the man in question, urging others to “stay safe out there”.

“Just a warning for all you girls, don’t accept message requests from this desperate creep,” she wrote in one of the Schoolies Facebook groups.

The teen posted the conversation as a warning to others. Picture: Facebook
The teen posted the conversation as a warning to others. Picture: Facebook
Others shared their experiences with the same man. Picture: Facebook
Others shared their experiences with the same man. Picture: Facebook

The messages start with the man asking how much she wanted for the wristband, to which she replied, “$100 please”.

“Hmm. How’s $300 and some nudes hehe,” the man responded.

The teen responds that she will take the $300, prompting the man to question whether nude pictures were “included”.

“Wouldn’t have thought so,” she said.

“The post said Schoolies voucher. Not Schoolies voucher and pictures of my tits.”

The teenager’s post prompted a number of other women to come forward after having received similar messages from the same account.

In another exchange posted by a different teen – which was too vulgar to publish in full – the man called the girl a “s**t” when she refused his offer.

He also made a number of sickening sexually explicit references about the teen.

In a message exchange shared by another teen, the man asked the teen how old she was and what she would “offer” for the wristband.

“18 and idk how much are they usually, prob something under $200,” she said.

“How much are u looking for?”

“$150 cash.. or you can have it for free for some boobies hahaha,” he responded.

The 18-year-old responded that $150 was “cool” before asking when was the best time for her to get the band.

The man ignores this question, instead offering to give the girl “$200 for your panties”.

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