
Disgruntled driver wrongly accuses mum of bad parking in angry note

An Australian mother has been left confused after receiving a furious note about her parking, sharing proof she didn’t do anything wrong.

Mum's shock at angry note wrong accusing her of parking faux pas

A woman who was shamed for parking in a parenting bay has shared the angry note left on her car falsely accusing her of not having children.

Australian TikTok user @infernoinsomnia said she’d parked in a “parents with prams” spot while she went to do her supermarket shop – and returned to find a furious note under the windscreen wiper of her car.

The writer of the note accused her of not having children and using the parking spot for her “convenience” – something the mother has clapped back at in a video that has been viewed more than 40,000 times.

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An Aussie mum was shamed for parking in a parenting bay despite having kids. Picture: TikTok/@infernoinsomnia
An Aussie mum was shamed for parking in a parenting bay despite having kids. Picture: TikTok/@infernoinsomnia

“If you look in the window of my car you can clearly see a child’s seat and children’s beanies,” she said.

“So do I need to put one of those stick figure family stickers on my car to prove I have children?”

She also showed viewers the hand-scrawled note, written on a piece of ripped paper, featuring heaps of underlines and exclamation points.

It read, “Please do not park in parents parking if you do not have kids!

“Your registration and vehicle has been reported and given to centre management!

“In future keep these parking areas available to those who need them for everyone’s safety! Not for your convenience!!!”

The note wrongly accused her of using a 'parents with prams' spot but not having children. Picture: TikTok/@infernoinsomnia
The note wrongly accused her of using a 'parents with prams' spot but not having children. Picture: TikTok/@infernoinsomnia

Many have been quick to respond to the confused mum’s video, stating it is “not illegal to park in parents parking”.

“They were obviously on a high horse because those parking spots are a courtesy and it’s not illegal to park in them without kids,” one said.

“It’s a courtesy park, anyone can use them,” another argued.

While one woman joked, “Just leave the kid in the car next time so they know.”

She showed the inside of her car where a child's seat was clearly visible. Picture: TikTok/@infernoinsomnia
She showed the inside of her car where a child's seat was clearly visible. Picture: TikTok/@infernoinsomnia

Others labelled the angry note writer a “drongo” and “entitled”.

“Some people whinge at anything,” one commented.

“The effort they took to write that out in capital letters, oh my lord,” another scoffed.

“I bet they were annoyed because there was no parking for them,” someone else speculated.

According to the NRMA, “parents with prams” spaces are not enforced by law.

Car park management could ask a person without a pram to vacate the spot but it’s not enforceable.

Continue the conversation @RebekahScanlan |

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