
Couple forced to flee and watch their family home burn down

A Victorian couple who fought desperately to save their property were met with horror conditions, forcing them abandon their home.

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James and Kara Joiner did everything they could to protect their family home.

But on December 31, when many other Australians were ringing in the New Year, James, 33, and Kara were watching their Bete Belong North property burn to the ground.

At 11.30pm the night before the pair had heard a piercing roar from the East Gippsland bushfire in the distance and knew the blaze was getting close.

Having evacuated their four boys, Billy, 13, Angus, 12, Charlie, eight, and Jack, five, a few days earlier, the couple spent the days leading up preparing for the worst.

They had three water pumps going, generators, endless sprinklers and spent hours watering every corner of their land. They didn’t leave anything untouched.

But their desperate efforts would be powerless against the brute force that hit them.

The Joiner family, James, 33, Kara, 34, Billy, 13, Angus, 12, Charlie, eight, Jack, five, lost their entire home and family business after the East Gippsland bushfire ripped through their property. Picture: Supplied
The Joiner family, James, 33, Kara, 34, Billy, 13, Angus, 12, Charlie, eight, Jack, five, lost their entire home and family business after the East Gippsland bushfire ripped through their property. Picture: Supplied

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“Then the wind came up and it was so bad it pushed me up against the house and I couldn’t move,” Kara told “The frames of our glass doors were bent. James grabbed me and pushed me inside. Once we got in we heard a big crash on the other side of the house where a the veranda got smashed.”

The fire had created a wind so severe it ripped the roof off their concrete tanks and sheds, forcing them to eventually flee in their ute.

Before and after the New Year’s Eve bushfire. Picture: Supplied
Before and after the New Year’s Eve bushfire. Picture: Supplied

Kara, a nurse, had packed a first aid kit and wet towels for their journey to a nearby dam where they sought refuge until 5am.

She used the towels to wet down the car, but with the air quality so bad, they were forced to remain inside with the aircon going.

“We had no choice but to drive through the flames (about 50 metres). James floored it until we got to the other side where the dam was. We were so disorientated, we had no idea what part of the paddock we were in,” Kara said.

They prepared their Bete Belong North property with water pumps, generators, endless sprinkles and spent hours watering every corner and inch of their land, but it wasn’t enough. Picture: Supplied
They prepared their Bete Belong North property with water pumps, generators, endless sprinkles and spent hours watering every corner and inch of their land, but it wasn’t enough. Picture: Supplied

They managed to get service so they could send a text to James’ mother, who was looking after their boys, to let her know they were okay.

“Our car was parked facing our property and as we texted people saying we were fine, we watched our house burn down in the distance. It was horrible,” a distraught Kara said.

“Strong winds were almost ripping our car over … and upon leaving we only managed to save one of our dogs.”

When they returned, they were met with nothing but ash and rubble in the spot where their house once resided.

James and Kara were forced to abandon their property just after midnight, seeking refuge at a nearby damn, where they watched their property go up in flames. Picture: Supplied
James and Kara were forced to abandon their property just after midnight, seeking refuge at a nearby damn, where they watched their property go up in flames. Picture: Supplied
Their car was pointing into the dam, facing the wind, as they watched everything burn. Picture: Supplied
Their car was pointing into the dam, facing the wind, as they watched everything burn. Picture: Supplied
This was a first look at their house after they returned to their property just after 5am. Picture: Supplied
This was a first look at their house after they returned to their property just after 5am. Picture: Supplied

“We were just thinking, ‘what now’, we were in shock.”

All eight homes in their small tiny town became victims to the fire, except for one — their elderly neighbour’s.

James and Kara not only lost their home, but 20 cattle, machinery and equipment that laid the foundation for their family business as hay and firewood contractors.

“Everything is gone,” Kara told from her mother-in-law’s home at a nearby town.

Their youngest son Jack standing in the spot which was once his bedroom. Picture: Supplied
Their youngest son Jack standing in the spot which was once his bedroom. Picture: Supplied
Their dog and cat survived the fire. Picture: Supplied
Their dog and cat survived the fire. Picture: Supplied

Preparing for the worst, Kara had packed a suitcase with clothes, photos and birth certificates.

“As the boys were going to their grandmothers I told them to pack anything extra they may want — my youngest who starts kindergarten this year packed his school uniform, which I thought was very cute,” she said.

While the family put on a brave face as they continue to deal with the devastation, they are overwhelmed with the amount of support they have received near and far.

“We have had a wonderful and generous offer to stay at a fully furnished house until we get back on our feet,” Kara said.

But sadly 20 of their cattle didn’t make it. Picture: Supplied
But sadly 20 of their cattle didn’t make it. Picture: Supplied
The family have been invited to stay at a fully furnished home until they get back on their feet. Picture: Supplied
The family have been invited to stay at a fully furnished home until they get back on their feet. Picture: Supplied

A GoFundMe page has also been set up to help the family of six with more than $18,600 raised.

“This hurts my heart so much. I am so sorry for you. I really hope you can rebuild and get back to a new kind of reality as soon as possible. Take care,” one donor posted on the fundraising page.

“Sending you and your family all the love and strength in the world during this extremely difficult time,” another wrote.

In the space of a single night they lost their home, their livelihood and a piece of their hearts — but the family remain strong knowing they still have each other.

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