
24yo runner’s sad texts exposes Aussie issue

A young woman has shared some private text messages to expose a wider issue in Australia.

Tuesday, May 28 | Top stories | From the Newsroom

Tanisha Thomson loves to run, but text messages she sends her boyfriend expose how difficult it is for women in Australia to move freely without concerns for their safety.

Ms Thomson, 24, has always been interested in running. She was the kid who actually enjoyed cross country, but it wasn’t until adulthood that she became a runner.

“It wasn’t until 2019 that I began running more seriously and setting specific goals,” she told

Ms Thomson said it clears her head, gives her endorphins, and is just an activity she enjoys, but she’s always concerned about her safety.

Ms Thomson loves running. Picture: Instagram/tanisharuns
Ms Thomson loves running. Picture: Instagram/tanisharuns
But she worries about her own safety. Picture: Instagram//tanisharuns
But she worries about her own safety. Picture: Instagram//tanisharuns

In general, Ms Thomson runs solo and goes at night when she can fit it around her work.

Sometimes, she gets bored and wants to try new routes; whenever she leaves for a run, she worries about her safety.

In typical Generation Z fashion, Ms Thomson posted a TikTok showing her going on runs, but she also added the texts she sends to her boyfriend before she heads off.

Sad reality of Aussie that loves to run

The messages aren’t, “Going for a run. I’ll be back soon.” Instead, either she or he expresses concern for her safety.

She’ll message him if she’s finding a route a bit “sketchy.” He’ll ask her to share her location before she goes for a run.

Sometimes he’ll just reply and say, “I don’t like you running in the dark.”

The theme of their messages is clear: both Ms Thomson and her loved ones see her running hobby as a threat to her safety.

There's a constant concern for her safety. Picture: Supplied
There's a constant concern for her safety. Picture: Supplied
An Aussie runner has shared her texts. Picture: Supplied
An Aussie runner has shared her texts. Picture: Supplied

The young Aussie called it a “sad reality” on social media, and young women were quick to agree with one woman replying and saying, “So s**t, we have to think about this.”

Ms Thomson said that her safety is always at the front of her mind before she goes for a run.

“As a woman, safety is a constant concern when choosing times and routes for running. I have to be mindful of well-lit, populated areas and often adjust my schedule to ensure I’m running during safer times of the day, which is often quite hard to achieve,” she said.

Ms Thomsonsaid her loved ones also routinely express “concerns”, especially her boyfriend and mum.

“They worry about the potential risks and often encourage me to take extra precautions. They sometimes even advise that I do not run at all,” she said.

The young Aussie said that she hasn’t had a scary experience yet, but that doesn’t mean she’s not constantly worried.

“I haven’t had any scary experiences, thankfully, but I have definitely had to be more cautious in certain situations,” she said.

“You never know what could happen. If I hadn’t been cautious and made split-second decisions such as crossing to a different side of the road to avoid someone, maybe it could’ve ended in a scary experience.”

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