
Horrifying moment road worker cartwheels through the air after he’s hit by speeding car

Horrifying footage shows a man cartwheeling through the air after being hit by a speeding car on a busy highway in South Africa.

Horrifying moment road worker is hit by speeding car

This was the shocking moment a road worker narrowly escaped death after being hit by a speeding car, which sent him cartwheeling through the air on a busy highway in Cape Town, South Africa.

Xolele Phindela, 32, was hospitalised with serious injuries, but police are yet to catch the driver that smashed into him, The Sun reported.

The collision was captured by chance by eyewitnesses on their dashcam, which showed how the victim almost hit their car as he plunged headfirst between them and the Toyota Avanza.

A road worker is sent cartwheeling into the air in a shock video.
A road worker is sent cartwheeling into the air in a shock video.

Eyewitnesses estimate the Avanza was overtaking at between 90 and 100km/h in an 80km/h zone when it hit the victim.

Phindela’s spiralling spade, also captured on the footage, miraculously misses hitting any vehicle.

Elri DeMeillon, a passenger in the dashcam car driven by her husband Lyndon, said: “At first when it happened, I thought he had a lost an arm or a leg from the impact.

“But when we watched the footage you could see it was his spade. I shudder to think what would have happened to our family if that had come through our windscreen.”

The DeMeillon family were en route to a seaside holiday with their seven and 10-year-old children when the accident occurred metres from them on a stretch of roadworks on the N2 highway near Grabouw, about 70km from Cape Town.

The driver didn’t slow down even though the victim was clearly visible.
The driver didn’t slow down even though the victim was clearly visible.

Lyndon DeMeillon said: “We’d been driving for about 10 kilometres through roadworks with warning signs all over, so this guy must have seen the road workers.”

The footage shows two of the workers in the middle of the road wearing bright reflective clothing, with one waving a large warning flag.

Seconds before the DeMeillons reached them their dashcam shows the Avanza beginning to overtake on a collision course with the workers.

The dad added: “I saw him coming up behind me with speed and could see he was going to overtake, so I hooted at him to warn him.

“I could see what was about to happen. That’s why the worker who was hit turns around and tries to get out of the way.

“How the driver didn’t hit the road worker with the flag as well is unbelievable. We were also very lucky. That worker or his spade could’ve easily come through our windscreen.”

The footage clearly shows the overtaking Avanza makes no attempt to steer right to avoid the workers but instead continues to bear down on them.

The victim sustained serious injuries.
The victim sustained serious injuries.

The accident severely traumatised the family.

Lyndon said: “It’s terrible. You can’t explain the trauma. We cried and our little ones of seven and 10 were so traumatised they just shouted at us to get away.

“You could hear the impact when he hit the worker, and I thought he would hit us. We thought he was dead. That’s why we followed up with the police. It’s a serious case, and that driver needs to be charged.”

But the DeMeillons have been frustrated the police are not taking the accident reported two weeks ago seriously.

They said: “A human being was hit and our family was endangered so when the police didn’t call us I followed up. It’s a serious case. But when I spoke to a colonel at Grabouw police station she didn’t seem interested in talking to me.

“She told me there was no case against the driver and no evidence of reckless driving but promised to call me back the next day when she heard about our video. But I still haven’t heard a word from them.”

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