
Baby Roman Jones, born after Easter Show attack, is 'going well'

ROMAN Jones is "going well" despite being born five weeks premature after his mum fell while chasing thieves who'd robbed her at the Show.

LITTLE Roman Jones is "going well" despite being born five weeks premature after his mother fell while chasing thieves who had robbed her of thousands of dollars worth of Easter Show ride tickets.

Jane Timson fell heavily on her stomach while giving chase to the young thieves, who robbed the vulnerable woman as she sat on a mobility scooter outside the Hollywood Horrors attraction on Monday.

The thieves, believed to be about 18, stole about $10,000 worth of tickets that Ms Timson had been collecting.

The 32-year-old was using the scooter to get around all the rides and attractions that she and husband Jay Jones' company Xtra Ordinary Events run each year at the Royal Easter Show.

One teenager distracted Ms Timson as the other snatched four aprons holding the tickets from the scooter basket about 2.30pm. Ms Timson chased the pair into the food pavilion but tripped.

Bruised and battered, the 34-week pregnant woman was rushed to Westmead Hospital where she gave birth to Roman three hours later.

Roman, weighing in at 2.9kg, is being cared for in the neonatal intensive care unit but his mother, who was discharged from hospital yesterday, assured Facebook friends the baby was doing fine. "Introducing baby Roman, born Monday 1st April - 6lb9oz. 5 weeks early but all going well," she wrote.

Ms Timson is believed to be staying at a nearby hotel with her husband. Roman is the first child for the couple, from Victoria, who married on Hamilton Island last year.

Ms Timson emerged from her hotel about 7pm to be greeted by family and friends - bearing a gift of a baby hamper - outside the hospital. Her relief her baby was OK was obvious as she smiled, laughed and hugged the group.

Detective Inspector Paul Arnold said the thieves, believed to be of Mediterranean or Middle Eastern appearance, targeted Ms Timson because she was pregnant.

"It could have been the death of an unborn child," he said. "Because she was heavily pregnant, she was getting around on a mobility scooter.

"The attackers have either used (the tickets), given them away or sold them. So we are appealing to anyone who has been offered cheap coupons or free coupons to contact us."

A Royal Agricultural Society of NSW spokeswoman said the RAS was working closely with police.

"Our thoughts are with the mother whose baby son was born prematurely," she said. "Safety is our number one concern ... The RAS has a zero-tolerance policy towards anti-social behaviour."

Roman Jones
Roman Jones

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