
Mum-of-five induced early so dying husband could meet their newborn

THIS mother was able to introduce her dying husband to their newborn daughter only a day before he died.

Mother induced early so dying husband could meet newborn

IF ANYTHING was going to ensure that Mark Aulger would do everything in his power to beat his cancer it was the news that his wife Diane was pregnant with their fifth child.

After eight months of chemotherapy, Mark had been cleared of stage 3 colon cancer and the family had their best Christmas ever.

But on New Year’s Day, Mark collapsed and was diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis — a scarring that takes place within the lungs and impedes the flow of oxygen to the brain and other vital organs.

Mark was told by the doctors that he was highly unlikely to meet their baby girl because he only had a week to live.

As the family welcome Savannah — they are forced to say goodbye to their darling dad. Source: YouTube
As the family welcome Savannah — they are forced to say goodbye to their darling dad. Source: YouTube

But his wife Diane was determined that this was not going to happen — so she made the tough decision to forgo her initial plans of having a natural birth and get induced early to give her husband the opportunity to hold their baby before he passed away.

“I thought I would be having her by myself I was very happy — they were going to keep us together for the birth,” his wife Diane says on The Doctors show.

Savannah was born via C-section on January 18 and Mark was the first person to hold the gorgeous little girl. He cradled her for 45 precious minutes.

“When we induced the labour he was in a bed side-by-side with me. For me it was a beautiful day — he was there wide awake and alert for the whole day,” Diane says.

“When the nurse cleaned up the baby and gave her to Mark you could see the complete pain in his eyes — he still talked to her and told her that he was her daddy and that he loved her.”

Mark also got to hold her for a minute the following day before slipping into a coma and then passing away two days later.

Mark cradled Savannah for 45 minutes as soon as she was born. Source: YouTube
Mark cradled Savannah for 45 minutes as soon as she was born. Source: YouTube

“He had been in a coma for about 48 hours and I could see on the monitor that his stats were dropping and he would passing away very soon, so I put her in his arms and held his hand until he stopped breathing.”

Diane wants nothing more than her husband to be by her side to watch their five beautiful children grow and flourish.

“I just miss him — I miss him very much. We were really, really, really in love.”

- With Kidspot

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