
Winter is coming: How to avoid common home heating mistakes

As the weather cools, Australians are cranking up their home heating. But plenty are making big mistakes that waste money.

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Australians are firing up their home heating as the weather cools, but too many are making common mistakes that are not only ineffective but cost a lot.

Consumer advocacy group Choice has provided some top tips for staying toasty without burning a hole in your wallet over winter.

• Don’t assume expensive models or well-known brands are always the best

Price isn’t the best indicator of performance.

Choice product testers found some heater models in the $400 to $500 range were worth recommending but also uncovered quite a few expensive units that disappointed, according to the group’s heating expert Chris Barnes.

• That said, avoid ‘dud’ budget models

While the testers found budget heaters for less than $100 that were better than models costing hundreds of dollars more, some cheapies are just duds.

“Kmart Anko heaters, for example, have had the lowest test scores in the past two years,” Mr Barnes said.

“Their terrible 2020 model may have cost just $55, but it scored only 45 per cent in our tests – the worst heater result we’ve seen since 2014.”

• Consider running costs

Heaters have vastly different running costs that will have an ongoing effect on your pocket.

Choice tested more than 40 electric models and found the cost could vary from $193 to $368 over winter, based on an estimated 500 hours of use and an electricity price of 30c/kWh.

• Use your ceiling fans’ reverse mode

Think ceiling fans are just for summer? Think again.

Switch your fans to reverse or winter mode (clockwise) and use them in combination with your heating system to help distribute the hot air more evenly around the room.

“Used this way, your heater has to do far less work to maintain a constant temperature, which means lower power consumption and lower bills,” Mr Barnes said.

If all else fails, rug up! Picture: Andrew Henshaw
If all else fails, rug up! Picture: Andrew Henshaw

• Use your reverse-cycle air conditioner for heating

“Although electric heaters are convenient and have cheaper upfront costs, reverse-cycle air conditioners are a more efficient heating option and can save you big bucks on your energy bills in the long run,” Mr Barnes said.

To give you optimal warmth for the cheapest price, Mr Barnes suggests sticking to a difference of about 8C between the temperature on your reverse-cycle air conditioner and the outside temperature.

“As a helpful rule of thumb, each degree warmer usually adds about 10 per cent to the running cost of your air conditioner.”

• Don’t neglect maintenance

The more clogged the dust filters and the interior of your heater have become, the harder it has to work (and the more energy it uses) to move air and heat your home.

• Avoid drying clothes in front of your heater

It would do your heating bill no favours, Mr Barnes said.

Any obstruction will restrict or block the flow of hot air around your home, so your heater will have to work harder and longer to get the temperature up.

• Block draughts

Track down any draughts in your home, particularly around doors and windows, then seal them up.

“Cover gappy floorboards with rugs, close curtains and, if necessary, do a bit of simple DIY where the cold air is getting in,” Mr Barnes said.

“Use things such as silicone sealant, weather seal tape or draught strips from the hardware store to fill gaps in or use an old-fashioned door snake to keep the cold out.”

• The no-brainer: insulate your roof

Mr Barnes points out 25 to 35 per cent of an uninsulated home’s warmth is lost through the roof in winter.

“Average households that install wall, floor and ceiling insulation can save hundreds of dollars on energy bills each year,” he said.

Read more at Choice

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