
‘Silly’: Woman’s question about shoes indoors sparks debate

The woman took to online forum Mumsnet to vent her problems regarding her pale cream carpets and asking people to take shoes off.

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A UK woman has sparked a fierce debate after she asked fellow parents if it was rude to ask guests to take their shoes off when stepping into her home.

The woman took to online forum Mumsnet to vent her problems regarding her pale cream carpets.

“My niece recently called in and it was heavily raining, she had cork sole shoes on which sucked up lots of water which she tramped over my carpets,” the woman said.

She said she asked her niece to take her shoes off because soggy footsteps were being left behind.

The woman said she didn’t often have to ask people to remove their shoes but felt awkward when she was put in that position.

Woman sparks debate after asking niece to remove shoes inside the house. Picture: iStock
Woman sparks debate after asking niece to remove shoes inside the house. Picture: iStock

Debate quickly began in the comments – with some quick to tell the woman her request wasn’t “unreasonable” at all.

“I had to ask the plumber to put covers on his shoes because he’d walked through actual mud and was about to walk it into my home,” one person said.

“I guess different people have different standards, I grew up in a home where shoes could be left on and didn’t think anything of it. But I ask everyone to take their shoes off now and I think it’s rude if they don’t to be honest.”

Another said she hoped Covid would make people come around to shoes off policy, as more attention has been brought to how many objects carry germs.

“Your house, your rules – don’t make it optional, have a shoe rack at the entrance and preferably a chair so there’s no issues with anyone less mobile not being able to comply,” the woman completed her comment.

But others really didn’t see the issue in keeping shoes on inside of the home, with one person claiming feet are just as likely to carry germs.

“I hate the idea of someone’s bare feet in my house,” the social media user commented.

Another added: “I hate ‘shoes off’ rule, it’s unwelcoming. Don’t have light coloured carpets if you’re that worried!

“Carpets like that get grubby despite all this shoes off nonsense! They are dirt magnets.

“If you must insist on such a silly rule, let your visitor know in advance so that they can bring slippers.”

Another said, while they are a no shoes family house, she is reluctant to ask visitors to remove their shoes.

“I see it as pretty rude tbh – it’s like saying that my floors are equally if not more important than my guests,” the person said.

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