
Mobile device PawsyWalsy gets a big paws up from home alone dogs

GUILTY dog owners worried about leaving their pooches home alone can fret no more thanks to a playful new device designed by a student.

Dog app
Dog app

UNIVERSITY of NSW student Angela Lam has designed a device that would allow her to talk, see and play with her dog when he is at home alone.

Angela Lam, 23, was worried about leaving her dog Dopey home alone in Maroubra while she was at university, the Southern Courier reports.

She said dogs kept in apartments for long periods of time could develop anxiety and behavioural problems.

"I felt so sorry for Dopey who was bored at home all alone while I was at uni, so I thought up this device so that I could play with him, even when I wasn't there,'' she said.

As part of her industrial design degree at UNSW, Angela built a model prototype of the device PawsyWalsy, operated remotely over an app.

From her mobile phone she could watch and speak to her dog through a video.

She could order the device to release six balls that roll around the house to entertain the dog and release odours to freshen the air, or calm the dog.

"Dogs get lonely and that can create bad behaviour in long separations,'' she said.

"Research shows a familiar voice can calm dogs and make them feel better when they are alone.''

There is no restriction for the type of dog using the device, but it is built for dogs in apartments.

Ms Lam hopes to build a working model that will sell for about $300.

“I don’t know if it would be really popular, because it’s not a real cheap machine, but people who love dogs wouldn’t mind spending the money if it means their dog won’t be sad and lonely,” she said.

PawsyWalsy is one of many projects by graduating students from UNSW Faculty of Built Environment that will be on public display at Pier 2/3 in Walsh Bay until November 21 in a free exhibition called LuminoCITY.

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