2014 horoscopes: What’s in store for you for the rest of the year?
WE’VE hit the middle of the year and whether you’ve had a good or bad six months, it’s time to look forward and see what the rest of the year has in store for your starsign.
WE’VE hit the middle of the year and whether you’ve had a good or bad six months, it’s time to look forward and see what the rest of the year has in store for your starsign.
Uranus is electrifying Rams with an unstoppable appetite for personal freedom. This will be impulsive, ridiculous and beautiful. Mistakes will be soon forgotten. The whole environment around you, will be charged up by your battle with whatever cage you’re in.
Being becalmed has been driving you nuts. As Mars enters Scorpio, you are initiated into unexplored sensual depths. Emotions will surface that are entirely unplanned for. This ignites your appetite for adventure. Soon you will be exploring the world with a passion, and building a solid means of escape. Next thing you know - you’re where you want to be.
Venus possesses you with a frenzy of wild ideas, untamed curiosity and a sense of boundless possibility. It will take six months to tame the beast of inspiration – but you will. The outcome will be that you build something brand new and worthy of pride.
The journey is by no means a dull, plodding one. Though you are commonly regarded as ‘steady’, this time round you go through more colours than a chameleon passing through a rainbow. Allow yourself the luxury of changeability. As you gather strength by turning inspiration to outcome, so you attract a more than passing interest.
From beginnings that are atypically solitary, you find your mojo - and end up out there celebrating with the best of them. Mercury begins by reversing you through a patch of alone time. Though initially befuddling, this proves to be a blessing.
By daring to question, discern and discriminate, your wishes are honed into something shiny and authentic. This makes them easy to commit to with a passion. The exact instant you’ve set your compass, your after-burners switch on and you find yourself tearing up the highway, hot on the trail of your dreams. Seek company that affirms you.
Home is a cocoon in which everything seems toasty warm, cosy and comfortable. It comes as a shock to realise that the finger of fate is pointing to the open door and a long pathway leading out into the wide world.
Life is inviting you to leave the hearth and the safety of all that you are attached to, and climb a mountain no less. It’s time to take a stand. Your calling is to be listened to. Once you are emotionally engaged, nothing will stop you. Feeling is a mighty motivating force, when kept creative, real and pure.
Jupiter lands in your prairie, with a mighty splash of energy, light and rampant possibility. The Moon has already charged you up with feeling. Add Jupiter to the mix and nothing much is going to stop you.
Jupiter is the planet of quantum-leaping expansion. If there was ever a time to take your chances, this it. The only rider being that in having this blast of growth, you don’t try to fly to the Sun and singe your mane. If you are to build a tower, do it on quality foundations. Bring your warm heart to bear. Avoid rampaging ego.
Envision partnerships that embrace originality and individuality. That’s what you’re after. Not ones that lose juice from the weight of expectation that is sitting like concrete upon their shoulders. Wildness and celebration are called for. And so is groundedness.
Your task is to figure out a way to dance like a gypsy, whilst having your roots planted firmly in the soil of horse-sense. Life helps you to begin, by giving you space for reflection. It will then invite you to turn every ‘aha’ moment into passionate action. The feast of relationship will hinge on how masterfully you create yourself.
Communication is the name of the game. Put it out and let it in. Somewhere in there, between all the extremes that are likely to surface, shall come a tantalising taste of equanimity. That will be a special moment.
Venus kicks you off in a social mode. Your tribal friends are a feast of friendship. If you are in the right tribe, they will lift you up. This is the food that will grow you into a prime candidate for the kind of relationship that will make you really want to shake off your shackles and be who you are.
Life has had the brakes on you. This has served an important purpose, though there is no escaping the feeling of heaviness that has come with it. Saturn is insisting that Scorpios break out of borrowed values and grow some of their own.
His inhibiting presence is beginning to lift and shift. This allows you the luxury of being able to get fully back on track. One day you will figure out what it was that you learned. In the meantime, celebrate the incoming lightness of being, and feel what it feels like to go at what interests you, directly.
Jupiter shifts out of the confusingly emotional sign of Cancer, into the refreshingly fiery and uncomplicated world of Leo. As Jupiter moves, so you move. Emotional entanglements fade and adventures of Leonine theatrical expressiveness, unfold.
Life is now hinting that it is time to conceive of the particular kind of masterpiece you would like to gift to the world. Beginners mind is a powerful thing. It is while your eyes are fresh, that inspiration is likely to take hold. With inspiration, work becomes play and craft becomes creativity. Jupiter is inviting you ignite your flair.
Start with a picture of where you see yourself in six months time – and then figure out how you are going to get there. By the end of the year, the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Pluto, will be pumping all their energy into your system.
Can you imagine the Sun in your solar plexus, filling you with assurance and power? Imagine it! Then add the kind of delight that makes your skin tingle. That’s Venus. Then comes Mercury. Back your own ideas and he’s a happy camper. Pluto’s job is to make sure the whole journey stays rich and real.
Aquarians are in love with the open sky. The idea of flight, and the possibilities of endless expansiveness, are intoxicating beyond belief. Every relationship is a challenge to this in-built notion of unbounded freedom.
And that’s exactly what life has up its sleeve! Relationships are omnipresent. They won’t just roll over and go away. Each one demands attention - and each one will, until the epiphany arises that gives you liberation as well as intimate contact. With Uranus in Aries, the adventure will be unsophisticated, rich and real.
Our longing is for bliss. Our addiction is distraction. With Neptune in Pisces, these two things will be brought into high relief. The choice is getting clearer and clearer. Which one do you want to swim to? Which one really is the sweeter?
What would happen if all your longing came out from under the rug? Where would it take you? The ocean, which of course is your territory, is a very big place. Life is inviting all Pisceans to enter the current of longing, even at the risk of overwhelm. This is a transformative time. Shed old skin. Be renewed.