
New magic pill could ‘cure’ hangovers

A new study has found people who binge-drink may benefit from taking a pill an hour before getting boozy.

Portrait of young woman suffering from headache, cooling her head with a ice pack. Studio shot, gray background.
Portrait of young woman suffering from headache, cooling her head with a ice pack. Studio shot, gray background.

Ever wake up from a heavy night feeling sick, riddled with hangxiety and ultimately regretting that last round of drinks?

Well, there’s a pill which could fix that.

A new study has found people who binge-drink may benefit from taking a pill an hour before getting boozy, The Sun reports.

A miracle hangover cure may have been discovered, but not in time for this woman
A miracle hangover cure may have been discovered, but not in time for this woman

The drug naltrexone, which works by blocking happy hormones and reducing the euphoria of intoxication, can kill the desire for ‘one more drink’ and in doing so, reduces your risk of a dreaded hangover.

Previous studies have found the drug to be effective long-term treat for people with alcohol dependence.

But now, US scientists have discovered the drug could also benefit binge-drinkers - who can take it as needed.

In the study, published in the American Journal of Psychiatry, 120 men who wanted to reduce bingeing were given naltrexone to take whenever they craved alcohol or anticipated a period of heavy drinking.

The randomised control trial was double-blinded, so half of the men received naltrexone and half received a placebo, and neither the participants nor the scientists knew who had received which.

By the end of the 12-week study, those given naltrexone reported bingeing less frequently and consuming less alcohol than those who had been given a placebo, for six months.

“This suggests that targeted naltrexone can result in lasting benefits,” the authors said.

This story was originally published by The Sun and was reproduced with permission

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