Important questionnaire every Australian should take, and not just once
It’s simple and involves just 10 answers. But this questionnaire could be crucial to some Aussies getting the support they didn’t know was out there.
Are you as well as you could be? is this month raising awareness of good mental health as part of its campaign Let’s Make Some Noise. We are highlighting the issue of anxiety and its cost to employers, the community, families and sufferers, in support of Beyond Blue.
The mental health support organisation has an anxiety and depression checklist to help get to the crux of this matter.
It poses 10 questions to the participant, with all answers and results kept completely confidential. The records can also be printed out and/or handed over to a GP.
“This simple checklist aims to measure whether you may have been affected by depression and anxiety during the past four weeks,” Beyond Blue says.
“The higher your score, the more likely you are to be experiencing depression and/or anxiety.”
It inquires about thoughts, feelings and behaviour over the last month including any feelings of exhaustion, nervousness or worthlessness.
The quiz-taker gets five response options ranging from “none of the time” to “all of the time”.
The final “score” determines whether your symptoms fall into the low, medium or high range.
Take the Beyond Blue anxiety quiz to see how you’re doing.
RELATED: Everyday signs you could have anxiety
RELATED: Feeling anxious? Here’s what you can do
The website provides an explanation of the score and suggests what should happen next.
“We’ll help you take the next step, with information and contacts so you can seek support,” Beyond Blue says.
Participants are reminded it is not a diagnosis but can help to gauge how they are feeling.
It’s a starting point to get on top of the “common conditions” of depression and anxiety
Depending on the results, some users can be prompted to see a GP or health professional for a more personalised assessment.
“The sooner you talk to someone, the sooner you’ll be on the road to recovery,” the organisation says.
“The good news is that there are treatments and support options that work.”
Beyond Blue’s checklist is not something people can or should take just as a one-off either.
If you start to feel down, sad, stressed or anxious, it’s always there, ready to point you in the right direction.