
Coronavirus: The positive things about life in lockdown

The positives aren’t going to make up for the dire situation we are all in together. But there are some things to feel good about, says Melissa Hoyer.

Is the environment benefiting from the coronavirus pandemic?


Now for some good news.

Not for one minute can anyone underestimate the cataclysmic situation we are all in together. The global COVID-19 pandemic is taking livelihoods, dignity, physical connection and above all, that most precious commodity, people’s lives.

Being inundated with coronavirus news we are reading, watching, seeing and hearing 24/7 can leave us all feeling helpless, hopeless, futureless and incredibly lonely.

In among the complete tragedy of what is happening, I’ve been thinking of the positives that are coming out of social distancing.

We are in a time when physical connection – whether that’s going to the office, seeing family and friends or just having a drink or meal at your local – are essentially on hold. But there are positives. There really are.

Looking for things to pass the time? The best shows to watch, the funniest videos, the best hacks? Find it all at our Life (goes on) in Lockdown section.

These positives aren’t going to make up for many of us being out of work, perhaps having been affected by the virus yourself, being stretched or decimated financially or having to close your business. Far, far from it. But some may give you some kind of optimism and perhaps crack a tiny grin.

Let’s start.

To me it feels like we are having a total ‘reset’ on life and how we were living it. We’re reading that waterways are clearer, smog is clearing and cars are nearly non-existent on the road. Do you find you’re taking things slower? I do. As is our home internet. And return phone calls from Centrelink.

The water in Venice’s Grand Canal is running clear for the first time in years as motorboat traffic stops. Picture: ANDREA PATTARO / AFP
The water in Venice’s Grand Canal is running clear for the first time in years as motorboat traffic stops. Picture: ANDREA PATTARO / AFP

We are more focused on what needs to be done at a particular moment as opposed to thinking weeks and weeks ahead. There are no excuses for ‘unavailability’.

In, fact, the new catchphrase is ‘yes, I’m totally free’ as opposed to the usual ‘I’ll check my diary’.

We realise who our real friends are, you know the ones who are steadfast through thick and thin even if we are only Zooming with them down a camera lens.

One thing that many have noticed is the non-existence of FOMO. No one is doing anything, so you ain’t missing out on anything honey!

We’re (badly) playing instruments we’ve found under the bed (hello ukulele!); we’re singing horrendously on our Insta stories; we’re giving our own Insta iso beauty lessons; we’re pretending to be artists, comics, dancers, chefs and ceramists and perhaps have decided to do that course in ‘be-fluent-in-French-in-five-easy-lessons’.

We’re giving our ‘shellac’ nails a rest (some may have to look that one up), we are surviving with grubby locks, wearing no make-up, coping with unwanted hair and are currently in a race to win the #showusyourroots social media crown.

We’re seeing celebrities out of their usual habitats – to be honest, some of their soliloquies we could do without – but many are finding it just too tempting to read to us/sing/become political (just please ease up on the latter) to their ever-wanting social media audiences. Hey Sam Neill, Ricky Gervais, Leigh Sales and Hugh Jackman, you’re all currently top of my leaderboard.

Are you cooking? Have you found that your oven isn’t just an Uber Eats holding station or home to a couple of pairs of shoes, but an actual working appliance that will give you your cheese and avo melt and is also a machine that allows you to cook stuff from delicious recipes with all that local, fresh produce you’re buying.

Being cooped up at home has put exercise on my mind. Simply because I seem to be eating so damn much. I mean who goes to Officeworks to buy a microphone and also comes home with a 3kg bag of party mix lollies?

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As I look down to my slightly burgeoning waistline, I feel my mind is becoming uncluttered (let alone all my drawers and cupboards at home) as every step I take, every move I make … is for an actual reason.

The freneticism of LBC (Life before Corona) has taken a break.

Social isolation gives even more reason to look after and take a check on your mental health. Having been in that camp, I’m speaking to those who also had mental health issues and they have actually become great sounding boards for people who, unlike them, are not used to feeling down, alone or depressed.

Keeping in contact with the people you actually like and who are like-minded has become paramount. To be honest, the ones that only occasionally figured in your life seem to have gone by the wayside.

I am looking at my 18-year-old-son in a whole new way. I feel for him, as this was the year of a whole lot of casual jobs before taking the right of passage backpacking trip to Europe before study resumes next year.

I still ask him inane questions all the time. He already thinks I’m crazy but hearing me belting out a tune as I dance with myself is just a reaffirmation. But hey, I don’t care.

And for those who think social media platforms are just a narcs paradise (one thing none of us are missing are the 24/7 narcissists) the value that social connection on different platforms brings us is immeasurable. Even the one-group-above-boomers you never thought would embrace it have. When you get your mum into a family WhatsApp group? That is one giant leap for mankind.

The feeling of living in a state of suspended animation, or an episode of techno manipulation series Black Mirror, isn’t lost on any of us. All those plans in the diary for the rest of the year – weddings, parties, everything – have been scrapped but look at it this way, when they do happen, they will go OFF!

The ability to be working remotely – especially for parents who already find it tough enough to work and bring up a family – certainly has its advantages.

But if you are homeschooling a couple of kids, preparing three meals a day for them as well as carrying out usual, non-paying domestic duties – including a full-time job – that is bloody difficult.

But think of the extraordinary and unprecedented bonding family experience you’re having. (Please refrain from throwing an egg on me at this point.)

By working remotely we are lessening our carbon footprint, without all those cars on the road, the air is clearer and cleaner. Our minds are also more still, so all those creative juices can flow, ready for a comeback like no other. When our minds are clearer (the collective worry about money issues aside) we have the time to think new ideas too. Oh, and I can’t wait for the baby boom later this year and into early 2021.

Our social distancing and isolating is re-evaluating what’s important and what isn’t. Do you see people rushing to splurge on designer clothes? Didn’t think so. And while that is an absolute disaster for retailers, we’re all realising that we can do with what we already have.

We really can get on living without having to be seen in the latest threads or with the most recent designer handbag. Of course that will change, but don’t you find it refreshing just to ‘be’ at the moment and keeping your trackies and Uggs on for your Google hangout, Zoom and Skype work meeting is bliss!

While resuming ‘normal’ transmission seems an eternity away – and it just may be – all of us have had to adjust to a whole new way of living. And for people who thrive on having company and going out, it is tough. It is very trying for single people who don’t have that sounding board to relieve some of the more boring iso and social distancing moments. No wonder they have been such a run on people buying dogs – me included!

Things we usually do – grab for a coffee, go to a movie, dinner, a club, a bar, a friend’s house for dinner or just to hang out, a trip to your gym, library, beauty salon or hairdresser – will never be taken for granted again.

While this eerie silence continues around the world, we can only think about those at the frontline – the nurses, doctors and other hospital staff who continue to uniform-up and help look after those who are battling coronavirus.

While COVID-19 has touched every nook and cranny of the world, let’s make a pact that the take-out from self isolation is that facts matter, not conspiracy theories that keep getting passed around social groups like smarties.

When this is all over, we need to relish every human to human experience in the future; continue with the kindness and ingenuity many have shown as opposed to the often mean and angry attitudes we often see.

And also, let’s be pleased that at last you swayed your oldies onto WhatsApp and that Zoom drinks parties are a thing.

Follow Melissa on Twitter and Instagram @melissahoyer

Read related topics:Life In Lockdown

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