Mia Freedman accused of blaming victims in story about rape and alcohol
AN ARTICLE about alcohol and rape has ignited a Twitter storm, with an unapologetic Mia Freedman at the centre of it.
AN ARTICLE about alcohol and rape has ignited a twitter storm, with an unapologetic Mia Freedman at the centre of it.
Freedman, a high-profile blogger, has copped an avalanche of criticism from her readers for the article, headlined: "This isn't victim-blaming. This is common sense", on her website Mamamia.
The article focuses on women who had been drinking at the time a sexual assault took place - a topic chosen, presumably, because the Maryville rape case has featured heavily in the news cycle this week.
"Let's say you have a daughter. Or a little sister. And let's say there was something you could tell her that would dramatically reduce the likelihood of her being sexually assaulted during her lifetime. Would you tell her?," the article begins.
"I would. And I will, when my daughter is old enough for it to be relevant to her. I'll tell her that getting drunk when she goes out puts her at a greater risk of danger. All kinds of danger. I'll tell her that being drunk impairs your judgment, slows your reflexes and dramatically reduces your ability to assess risks and escape from harm," it goes on.
As the public began to react, Freedman posted a series of tweets on her Twitter account:
"Those at Mamamia who disagree most strongly are 20-something women who fear shaming sexual assault victims about alcohol," she wrote.
"They fear any talk about the connection between alcohol and sexual assault make victims feel worse afterwards. My perspective, however, is from the point of view of a mum, thinking about the girls it hasn't happened to and wanting to keep them safe. It explains the divide in the reaction to this post between parents and (some) young women."
The twitterverse responded:
@MiaFreedman What about someone in your own home? Talking about sexual assault doesn't stop at talking about binge drinkng and puberty. >>>
— Scarlett (@_Scarlett_1992) October 21, 2013
. @MiaFreedman I'm a parent of 2 women and g'parent to 2 young girls. No matter how you defend it, your article was WRONG. #victimblaming
— Diane Adnum (@amicus_AU) October 21, 2013
@MiaFreedman and what about the responsibility we have to tell our sons that no woman is theirs for the taking?
— Grabacoffee! (@Grabacoffee) October 21, 2013
Freedman's tweets ranged from "So today, apparently I'm 'victim blaming'. Please." to "Interesting that those being most abusive on TwitterAU to me about this post do not have daughters." She followed up with this:
Personal and vicious abuse on Twitter does not advance your argument. And I'm never going to read any of it so you're wasting your breath.
— Mia Freedman (@MiaFreedman) October 21, 2013
And yes, I stand by everything I wrote here: http://t.co/nZ6X2Zkagd Opposing views welcome in comments. So long as they're civilised.
— Mia Freedman (@MiaFreedman) October 21, 2013
Twitter's response to that?
Mia, do you mean the heartfelt pleas from rape survivors to rethink your damaging soap box diatribe? @MiaFreedman @TracyShosh
— Redhead Edition (@RedheadEdition) October 21, 2013
Freedman finishes her article with: "Binge-drinking dramatically changes your ability to make good decisions or protect yourself from bad ones made by others. Do you think this is good advice to pass onto our daughters? Or do you disagree?"
It seems a lot of people disagree. What do you think? Tell us below.