
Optical illusion that reveals your true personality goes viral

What do you see in this ink blot? Apparently what your brain deciphers from the image can reveal intimate details about you.

Only 1% of people can spot what’s wrong with this image

A new optical illusion that can determine whether you are impatient, impulsive or controlling based on what you see first in the picture has captured attention online.

The image of an ink blot is inspired by the Rorschach test, a psychometric examination of the human ability to see shapes or make pictures out of randomness.

And according to US-based TikTok user Tessika Vision, who initially shared the brain puzzle, what you see in the abstract image can hold an array of different revelations about your personality.

It can also give insight into how you see the world or are perceived by others, she claimed.

So what did you see in the ink blot?

This optical illusion can reveal telling details about your personality. Picture: TikTok
This optical illusion can reveal telling details about your personality. Picture: TikTok

Roast chicken

If you saw a roast chook, you often have doubts about what you’re doing in life and where you’re going, but you are clear about what you need, and focus your energies on getting it, Tessika claimed.

She added that people who see the chicken first prefer to be perceived as passionate about something than feel alienated, and find contemplating the meaning of life “boring”.

Faceless woman

If you saw a woman without a face, or a woman wearing a wig, you have high standards expect others to have the same, Tessica continued.

Those seeing this image within the ink blot don’t believe “patience is a virtue”, but definitely should, she said.

Optical illusion reveals how impatient you are

Cartoon cat

People who see the image of a cartoon-like cat can come off as more abrasive than they really are, according to Tessika.

They like to get involved with anything and everything and will work things out as they come up. They’re also very passionate, more so than they let on, and find it important to have somebody on their side.

The doctor

Some people could also see a doctor checking a patient’s jaw, which Tessika said shows you’re a person who believes life is not meant to be easy.

These individuals also believe people are not meant to always get on, she stated, adding they accept people need to be themselves and that disagreements happen.

Rocket or tower

The people who saw the shape of a tower or a rocket soaring are extremely hard workers who like to set new challenges for themselves, it was suggested.

These are the high achievers of the world which make them particularly valued team members in the workplace.

US-based TikTok user Tessika Vision shared the results. Picture: TikTok
US-based TikTok user Tessika Vision shared the results. Picture: TikTok

However, they can often be a tad on the controlling side and would benefit from loosening up.

The video has attracted a lot of attention, with many sharing what vision their brain deciphered in the ink blot.

“I am seeing a cow,” one wrote, as another said: “I saw a dragon.”

“Umm, I don’t want to say what I saw,” someone else stated.

As one said: “I saw a tower and yes I do work hard and enjoy setting myself goals and challenges.”

The Rorschach test was created by Swiss psychologist Hermann Rorschach to help psychologists examine a person’s personality characteristics and emotional functioning.

While it has been employed to detect thought disorders, especially in cases where patients are reluctant to describe their thinking processes openly, it has been met with controversy over the years.

Studies have shown that about half of Rorschach test-takers labelled as having “distorted thinking” actually have normal brain function.

The staggeringly high false-positive error rate is one of the main reasons experts have argued the test needs to be discredited.

Read related topics:TikTok

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