Woman with two vaginas details agonising period pain and fertility struggles
A woman has opened up about a rare condition that “splits” her sexual organs in two – causing agonising period pains every month.
A woman has revealed she suffers agonising period pains because she has two vaginas and two wombs.
At the age of 14, Andreea was told she had the rare condition uterus didelphys, that meant her organs were split into two.
It means she has two uteruses, two separate cervixes, and in Andreea’s case – two vaginas.
The teen had the condition, named uterus didelphys, from birth but it was found during a sexual health check-up.
But sometimes it can go undetected for years, with symptoms only including unusual cramping during a period, an abnormal amount of blood, or repeated miscarriages.
The British assistant manager, 26, who does not want to give her second name, said after the diagnosis she didn’t think too much about it. But as life has gone on, she’s developed some agonising side-effects.
“I suffer with very bad period cramps. I can be doubled over and unable to move some months. I guess that comes with having an extra uterus,” she said.
But most heartbreaking was losing a baby at 17 due to complications that come with uterus didelphys.
Now in a six-year relationship with her partner Oliver, 36, she’s worried about fertility complications they will face when they try to have a family.
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“When I was a teenager, you didn’t talk about what was going on with your body,” she said. “You didn’t want to be seen as different to other people.
“I was quite blind to my condition for most of my teenage years and early twenties.
“It’s not uncomfortable, so I didn’t think about it too much until I met my partner and naturally we have discussed our future.”
Andreea, from Salisbury in the UK, tragically miscarried at 17 because the baby stopped growing, something she later found out is a risk linked to her condition.
Both of her uteruses function, but Andreea has since been told the smaller one has lower chances of reproduction as there’s less space for a baby to develop.
“I have never been sure if I could carry a baby full-term,” she said.
“I still have so many questions surrounding my diagnosis. In theory I have two wombs so I could fall pregnant, whilst pregnant and carry two babies at the same time but I want to know if I can carry one baby safely.”
There have been cases of women with the same condition having successful full-term pregnancies – but Andreea fears any child she may carry may not grow properly.
“It is a grey area. We have a 50/50 chance but I won’t know more until we try and it is something we will face together when the time comes,” she said.
Today Andreea said her condition makes no difference to her sex life, and she is confident in her body compared to before.
“Now, I’m not self-conscious about it at all,” she said.
“My worries as a teenager stemmed from the fact I didn’t know if it made me different or who to talk to.
“Now I don’t find it weird, it’s just who I am and we are all different in one way or another.”
Andreea hopes by openly talking about her condition, it will help other young girls and women talk about their health and bodies.
“Girls should know their bodies, be comfortable in their own skin and learn to know what is ‘normal’ for them.
“It’s different now and people can be more open and there is a lot more research and information available. It is good to talk and have all the facts.”