
Premier Daniel Andrews in heated exchange with reporter about lockdown

Premier Daniel Andrews has refused to answer a series of hard-hitting questions about the way out of lockdown for Victorians.

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Premier Daniel Andrews has refused to answer a series of hard-hitting questions about when distressed Victorian business owners can expect to start planning a future after the state’s harsh lockdown.

While announcing 113 new infections and 23 more deaths on Thursday, the Premier had no definitive response as to when Victorians could expect to hear more details about a road map out of stage four restrictions.

“So many businesses are wondering when they open up, how they are going to survive. Do you have a game plan at all to help people fix what the pandemic has caused,” Herald Sun state political reporter Alex White asked him.

“The first thing is to deal with the health issue,” Mr Andrews said.

“I think we’ve seen a lot of commentary over the recent months. Not just here, but across the world, that if you don’t deal with the health challenge first, then the – that big job of trying to recover, trying to repair that damage, just becomes much, much harder.

“I want to assure workers, businesses, families, communities, that there will be a series of very significant announcements that are about jobs, both saving jobs and creating new jobs, and making sure that we support all of those who have been harmed and damaged by this global pandemic.”

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews was pressed for details about what a road map out of lockdown would look like, to which he had no definitive answer. Picture: Wayne Taylor/NCA NewsWire
Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews was pressed for details about what a road map out of lockdown would look like, to which he had no definitive answer. Picture: Wayne Taylor/NCA NewsWire

But Ms White pushed Mr Andrews for more clarity.

”Do you appreciate that the general public is frustrated that you are trying to ask for more power, and you‘re saying, “believe me, it’s not my intention to keep you locked down a day longer than necessary,” but you’re asking for more power without committing to a road map?”

The Premier responded he was “not in a position to give that commitment”.

“We will – as I’ve always said, we’ll work as hard as we possibly can to provide people with as much notice as possible.”

It comes after Mr Andrews put forward a plan to introduce a Bill to parliament to extend the state of emergency in Victoria until at least September next year in four-week increments.

The current state of emergency expires on September 13, 2020.

The move would mean the state would have the power to continue harsh restrictions such as density limits in cafes, pubs and restaurants if it was deemed necessary due to the pandemic.

The proposal was met with condemnation from Opposition Leader Michael O’Brien, who said the “power has gone to (Mr Andrews’) head”, and Victorian Nationals leader Peter Walsh, who called the move “draconian”.

While crossbencher and Reason Party MP Fiona Patten said there was “no way” Mr Andrews would get the support to pass such a controversial Bill.

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