
Former anti-vaxxer reveals why she got the Covid vaccine

Lydia Greene was so traumatised when her baby cried, she vowed to never put any of her kids through that again.

Unvaxxed people will prolong the pandemic

I was a staunch anti-vaxxer for 12 long years.

I’m 39 now, so I wasn’t a lifelong member of the anti-vax community. Though having my three babies pushed me over to the ‘dark side’.

In 2008, when I had my first child, I brainwashed myself through hours of unconfirmed anti-vax research which quickly scared the lights out of me.

It started when my daughter was just a few months old and I took her in for her scheduled DTaP (diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis) vaccination.

I watched as the nurse put the needle into my girl’s podgy little arm and alarm bells started to ring.

“Is this cruel?” I asked myself.

Back home, she started crying in a high-pitched wail. So I buried myself in websites and forums to figure out why she was hurting.

Just a few hours later I’d convinced myself my daughter was dying. Comments and threads talked about vaccines causing lifelong issues and they told me I should never have let my daughter be jabbed with that needle.

It was all enough to terrify me to my core. I didn’t realise it yet, but the community was preying on my normal parenthood anxieties.

And before bedtime that night, I was an anti-vaxxer.

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Lydia Greene was a staunch anti-vaxxer.
Lydia Greene was a staunch anti-vaxxer.

At first I followed an alternate schedule skipping DTaP, and then I just stopped vaccinating my daughter completely.

I went on to have two more children, both of whom I refused to vaccinate.

My husband was on the fence about vaccinations but he didn’t try to sway my opinion.

I stayed on the online forums and joined groups which convinced me I was right not to jab my kids. I believed in organic medicines and thought herd immunity through catching diseases and fighting them off was the way to go.

When my children were old enough for preschool, I also surrounded myself with anti-vax mums.

Looking back, it was frighteningly easy to build my own echo chamber around me. We all just convinced each other we were right. I knew people would judge me for my choices. So, I avoided any awkward conversations with friends or family.

Then 2020 happened. Headlines were flashing about a global pandemic called Covid-19.

In my small hometown in Canada, we started rationing food and toilet paper was flying off the shelves.

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The Covid-19 pandemic made Lydia rethink her attitude to vaccines. Picture: NCA NewsWire/Dan Peled
The Covid-19 pandemic made Lydia rethink her attitude to vaccines. Picture: NCA NewsWire/Dan Peled

This is scary, I realised.

Almost instantly there was talk about the Covid-19 vaccine and the millions being poured into testing and research. It triggered me to rethink everything I thought I knew about vaccinations.

I took my first baby step out of the cultish anti-vax life by doing some evidence-based research. I started remembering how vaccine-preventable illnesses were coming back with a vengeance, like measles.

Bit by bit, every single trope I believed fell apart in front of my eyes. There was no link between vaccines and things like cancer or autism. My own beautiful son has autism – how could I have believed this?

Ultimately, I had to admit that I was wrong. About so many things. It took a lot of psychological discomfort to wipe away all my misconceptions about vaccinations.

And I needed to catch my three kids up on all their missed appointments.

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Lydia realised she needed to vaccinate her kids to protect them.
Lydia realised she needed to vaccinate her kids to protect them.

So in April 2020, I watched as my daughter had her first vaccination in 12 years. At first, I worried I’d slap the needle out of the nurse’s hand.

My two other kids were caught up on all their jabs, and I waited anxiously to see if they would have any side effects. Of course, they were all fine.

Just a few months earlier, I’d have fought tooth and nail to get a needle away from my child’s precious arm. Now I was pro-vax!

This year, I was jabbed with the Moderna Covid-19 vaccination. I’m not afraid of it anymore. We needed to be protected against this awful, rapidly spreading disease.

I now know that vaccinations are safe and effective.

I’ve been a pro-vaxxer for a little over a year now and it’s been a strange, surreal journey. I have even started nursing school so I can graduate to become a public health nurse, helping other parents with anxiety about vaccinations.

I think it takes a lot of strength to admit you are wrong – and I’ve done it many times since 2020.

It is hard to ignore 12 years of fear and misinformation.

That’s why I started the Back to the Vax movement with fellow former anti-vaxxer Heather Simpson.

It is a safe space online for people who want to talk about changing their opinion.

The transition from anti-vaxxer to pro-vaxxer is a thorny one, but it is possible.

Don’t be afraid to step outside your comfort zone and challenge your own opinions.

I did it; sadly it took a global pandemic for me to do it.

Read related topics:Vaccine

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