
Coronavirus: Stockpiling mum slams panic shoppers for giving bulk buyers a ‘bad rep’

A stockpiling mum has slammed social media “show-offs” for brazenly flaunting excessive bulk buying amid the coronavirus panic.

Toilet paper panic: Shoppers start stockpiling over coronavirus fears

An Aussie mum who stockpiles as a way to manage her family’s budget has lashed out at those posting snaps online showing off their shopping hauls.

The woman, who is a member of a 65,000-strong Facebook group dedicated to stockpiling, said what many don’t understand is shopping for extras isn’t a trend - for many, it’s a necessity.

She posted as well as being “saddened” that people are “going silly with buying up toilet paper”, those flaunting extra purchases have “given us who stockpile a bad rep”.

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“I’ve seen people on this page saying that those showing pictures of their stockpiles are showing off and being inconsiderate of those who ‘can’t afford’ to stockpile,” she added.

The stockpiling mum said bulk buying shouldn’t be seen as a competition: Facebook/Budgeting, Food, Stockpiling, Savings ideas, Life Help Australia
The stockpiling mum said bulk buying shouldn’t be seen as a competition: Facebook/Budgeting, Food, Stockpiling, Savings ideas, Life Help Australia

“Well, here’s the deal: Personally I wouldn’t be able to afford to feed my family if I DIDN’T stockpile!”

“It costs no extra money to buy two of a half-price item than it would buy one at full price. Stockpiles are usually built up over months/years, not just overnight.”

The photo she shared revealed this is what she and her family of four had available in terms of food over the next month.

“I don’t get much work, hubby’s job pays the bill and whatever work I get pays for our food, daycare and savings.

“If we need daycare the first $70-90 of my weekly wages goes straight to daycare/before school care depending on if my older one has a school that day or not.

“Some weeks this means I’m left with $10 left from my pay check for food.”

Fears of a nationwide quarantine have seen shoppers flood supermarkets in a bid to stock up on essentials. Picture: Daniel MUNOZ / AFP
Fears of a nationwide quarantine have seen shoppers flood supermarkets in a bid to stock up on essentials. Picture: Daniel MUNOZ / AFP

She said this week as she isn’t working, there will be “no money for food”.; next week, she has just four hours work.

“Luckily hubby is home that day so no daycare required, but it’ll be another week with a very low grocery budget.”

“Pictured is what we have to live off for the next month along with a bit of food in the freezer, some fresh and frozen produce we have and whatever our garden produces (cucumbers, rockmelon and watermelon).”

Other stockpilers who’d seen the mum’s post said building up supplies wasn’t a matter of rushing out and “spending $1,000 in a day”.

One stockpiling mum shared this photo showing what her pantry looks like. Picture: Facebook/Budgeting, Food, Stockpiling, Savings ideas, Life Help Australia
One stockpiling mum shared this photo showing what her pantry looks like. Picture: Facebook/Budgeting, Food, Stockpiling, Savings ideas, Life Help Australia
Another shared this photo saying her stockpile wasn’t quite as big as she’d like it to be. Picture: Facebook/Budgeting, Food, Stockpiling, Savings ideas, Life Help Australia
Another shared this photo saying her stockpile wasn’t quite as big as she’d like it to be. Picture: Facebook/Budgeting, Food, Stockpiling, Savings ideas, Life Help Australia

One mum said: “It takes a long time to get a stockpile sorted. I started doing it by buying all my toiletries and cleaning products on sale at the Reject Shop or when on special - mostly 2 for 1 items.

Another added: “The difference between stockpiling and the current situation is that people (like yourself) build a large supply of non- perishable items.

“It doesn’t impact the greater community because it’s done gradually. Let’s just be thankful that toilet paper isn’t very nutritious, they won’t be around long.”

While a third said: “Anyone with a family benefits from stockpiling, it’s just a smart way of shopping.”

Others sharing photos of their stockpiled pantries said building up supplies doesn’t ‘happen in a week’. Picture: Facebook/Budgeting, Food, Stockpiling, Savings ideas, Life Help Australia
Others sharing photos of their stockpiled pantries said building up supplies doesn’t ‘happen in a week’. Picture: Facebook/Budgeting, Food, Stockpiling, Savings ideas, Life Help Australia

While it is advisable to ensure you have enough food in the event of a quarantine, panic buying isn’t the answer.

Leanne McLennan is a grandmother and mother-of-three who reckons she has enough groceries in her home to get by for at least six months.

It’s a habit she has cultivated for the past five years after hitting a bad patch financially and having to rely on charity for food.

“I never wanted to be in that position again so I started slowly, mostly with toiletries, instead of buying one deodorants buy four deodorants, when they’re on half-price special,” Ms McLennan told previously.

After just a few months of buying toiletries marked down to half-price or less, Ms McLennan turned to food.

“It just expanded, I think canned goods were probably next, I’ve learnt along the way not to stockpile things like cereal we just don’t eat it fast enough,” she said.

Leanne McLennan has enough food and cleaning products in storage to last her and her family for at least six months. Picture: Facebook
Leanne McLennan has enough food and cleaning products in storage to last her and her family for at least six months. Picture: Facebook

To those thinking about stockpiling, she offers a few salient suggestions including not actually leaving the house to do the shopping.

“I shop online, I don’t actually get much in the supermarket,” she said.

“I go through all of the half price specials, I go through the catalogue … From that I work around what we are going to eat for the week and what I’ll buy for the week

The savvy shopper also recommends starting with items like toiletries or cleaning products because neither have an expiry date.

Be strict and only stockpile items you really need and will use on a regular basis.

Meanwhile supermakets are also asking shoppers not to stockpile and to just buy goods as they would during a regular shop.

Coles supermarkets said stockpiling was not necessary as shelves were constantly being replenished. “We want to ensure that no matter where you live or how old you are, you have the same access as everyone else on your street.”

As an incentive they are offering 100, $100 gift cards to the best random acts of kindness shown in the community via their facebook page.

With Hannah Paine

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