
Coronavirus: Photo shows moment dad finds out his baby had died during lockdown

Finding out your baby has died is a most heartbreaking situation for any parent — but Jared Gliem had to sit behind a glass door because of social distancing rules.

Comparing Corona to other pandemics might just make you feel better

This is the devastating moment a dad in the US broke down after finding out his baby girl had died via speaker phone from behind a closed hospital door.

Mum Sarah Gliem, from Pennsylvania, gave permission to publish the heartbreaking photo to let the public know the true human impact self-isolation and coronavirus is having – and to remind people to stay indoors.

Sarah, also mum to Collin, told how she was pregnant with their daughter and at home self-isolating when she started to bleed and rushed with her husband Jared to hospital.

But, on arrival, she was whisked to a room and told that because of the coronavirus spread, Jared was not allowed in.

There she learnt their baby girl, who they had named Cameron, had died.

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Jared and Sarah were unable to be together due to social distancing rules when they lost their daughter Cameron. Picture: Facebook
Jared and Sarah were unable to be together due to social distancing rules when they lost their daughter Cameron. Picture: Facebook

She was the second of their children to pass away after little daughter Chloe also died. Neither deaths were linked to coronavirus.

It took the couple 15 months and hormone treatment to fall pregnant with Cameron.

Sarah, who lost her baby and took the photograph on March 19, told The Sun: “Jared wasn’t permitted even in the waiting room because of COVID-19.

“As I was checking in I was asking if he could come back with me because we thought we were having a miscarriage. When they said no I began to sob.

“He watched me through the glass door and was texting me.

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Sarah took this photo of Jared as he sat outside the room after learning about their loss. Picture: Picture: Sarah Gliem/Sweet Grace Ministries
Sarah took this photo of Jared as he sat outside the room after learning about their loss. Picture: Picture: Sarah Gliem/Sweet Grace Ministries

“He told me I don’t have to be the superhero in every situation and that it was OK to not be strong enough for this.

“I snapped his picture when he wasn’t looking because … I wanted to always remember that in times of trouble that no matter what we had each other’s back even if we weren’t together.”

In her blog she said: “As I laid on the exam table with Jared on speaker phone, we got the news that no parent ever wants to hear … again, ‘There was no longer a heartbeat.’”

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“To say that I didn’t cry harder at hearing Jared through the phone is an understatement,” she said.

“He had NOBODY to comfort him.

“Imagine sitting in a hallway crying because you found out your dream of becoming a parent to a breathing, warm, growing child was gone again.

“I was just so angry. Angry that people can’t stay home, angry that people aren’t taking this seriously, angry that I didn’t get to hug my husband when we found out that this baby was gone too.”

This story first appeared on The Sun and is reproduced with permission

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