Coronavirus Australia: What are the rules about seeing my partner during self-isolation?
With hefty fines being introduced for those who break social distancing rules, couples who don’t cohabit are in despair. Here’s how it works.
Australia’s rules around social distancing amid the COVID-19 crisis have been pretty clear surrounding couples and families that live under the same roof. But what about those who live separately to their loved ones?
It’s a question many couples who live apart are asking on social media as officials warn to prepare for spending at least six months in self-isolation.
So do these couples have to wait until the Government restrictions loosen up before they see their partner again – or are they able to visit each other while still being socially responsible?
For now how partners can see each other when they don’t live together varies from state to state, with Victoria and NSW taking different approaches.
RELATED: All the latest coronavirus news here
so im no stranger to missing my partner but the fact that i have no idea when i can see them again is making me fhijbxsd hxxunn
— athena (@jesssiecaww) March 29, 2020
If you live with your significant other/ partner during this quarantine you are extremely luck. I don’t know when the next time will be when I can see my guy and it upsets me to my core 💔
— Jo (@jndlrnts) March 20, 2020
NSW Police Commissioner Mike Fuller told reporters on Wednesday that you can still “absolutely” visit your partner – as long as, of course, they aren't in a mandated quarantine or self isolation.
Mr Fuller said it was OK to visit your boyfriend or girlfriend as it came in under care.
“That's under care,” Mr Fuller said.
“Mental health is under care. Absolutely, under care. I think we have to look after each other, but don't take the whole family with you. Don't take your grandparents.”
However Victoria has taken a different approach, with the state’s police minister Lisa Neville tweeting that you “cannot visit your partner for social reasons”.
According to Victoria’s Department Of Health and Human Services, you can only let someone into your home or visit someone “when they are providing you with care and support when you are unwell, disabled, elderly or pregnant”.
A person who fails to comply with this direction will be liable for fines of up to approximately $20,000, Victoria’s Department of Health and Human Services advises.
On Monday, journalist and medical professional Dr Norman Swan recommended on ABC’s Coronacast that couples who don’t share a home can still see each other if they are taking all the precautions – including no physical touch and keeping at least a 1.5m distance between you.
“You should not break the 2m rule, even with your own partner,” Dr Swan advised. “The problem here is you’re not living with them so you’re not quite sure what each other’s doing or who you’ve come in contact with. That’s the problem.”
While it’s hardly the romantic reunion many would envisage, it is better than not being able to see your other half at all.
But Dr Swan warned that if you or your partner have crossed paths with anyone with the potentially deadly virus or are on the high-risk list, you absolutely shouldn’t see each other.
“The issue which is first of all, have you got symptoms? If you’ve got symptoms you certainly shouldn’t see each other,” he said.
“Have you had contact with anyone with COVID-19? Well you shouldn’t see each other. Have you come back from overseas and are in quarantine therefore you shouldn’t see each other.”
For most couples though who are self-isolating as a part of community responsibility, you should at least be able to physically see one another as long as the meeting takes place in a safe area.
“As long as you’re both doing it and therefore you know where each other’s been in a sense in the last few days, then probably common sense would say, ‘look it’s okay’,” Dr Swan revealed on the daily podcast.
“Particularly if you continue to social distance so that when you see each other you’re not getting too close. That would be fine most people would say as long as it’s not in a crowded area such a park or something like that.”
RELATED: What is social distancing?
In the UK, the University of East Anglia School of Medicine’s Professor Paul Hunter advised couples who are living at the same address and are symptom free are able to maintain physical relationship.
“If you are free of symptoms but are social distancing, then there are no reasons why you cannot continue to have sex with your partner when you live together,” Prof Hunter said.
“If your sex life is rather more bohemian and you cannot get to have sex without mixing with some or many other people, this mixing is advised against, so stay at home.
“This is especially important if you are in one of the at-risk groups.”
He also said close interaction with others increases the risk of spreading the infection and it’s no different in physically intimate scenarios.
“Even during sex, the main risk probably comes from being close face-to-face through droplet spread, through kissing and touching each other’s faces,” Prof Hunter said.
“I am not aware of any evidence to date that the infection can be spread through vaginal intercourse per se. So, please continue to wash your hands regularly and especially before sex.”
Australia’s Department of Health has offered its views on whether it’s wise to be romantic at the moment.
“It is a matter of common sense,” a spokesperson told previously.
“Limiting contact with an intimate partner who shares your home is really only necessary when a person is unwell. Otherwise, continuing good hand hygiene practices in the home is the recommendation.”
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