

Coronavirus Australia live updates: Sign lockdown measures are working

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has told all Australians not to go out in public with more than one other person from tomorrow onwards.

Coronavirus: Scott Morrison's new virus restrictions

Australians have been told not to go out in public with more than one other person while all public spaces including parks, playgrounds, skateparks and outside gyms will be closed from midday tomorrow.

Scott Morrison has told all Australians to stay home unless they are shopping for food, receiving medical attention, for work or education purposes or for exercise (which is capped at two people). 

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There are now 3984 confirmed cases across the country.

That includes 1791 in New South Wales, 769 in Victoria, 656 in Queensland, 299 in South Australia, 311 in Western Australia, 66 in Tasmania, 77 in the Australian Capital Territory and 15 in the Northern Territory.

The number of Australians who have died after contracting COVID-19 has now reached 16 .

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