
Coronavirus Australia live coverage: Australian 'church' slapped with fines for selling coronavirus "cure"

The Australian arm of a controversial ‘church’ has been slapped with a $150,000 fine for selling a potentially deadly coronavirus “cure”.

Here's how and when coronavirus restrictions will ease in your state

An Australian 'church' has been hit with a massive $150,000 fine by the Therapeutic Goods Administration for selling a product it claims can cure coronavirus.

Miracle Mineral Solution is being sold by MMS Australia, the local arm of the US 'religion' Genesis II, and billed as a COVID-19 treatment.

The item is essentially bleach, sparking warnings from health authorities and the probe by the TGA that ultimately led to 12 infringement notices.

Meanwhile, Chief Medical Officer Professor Brendan Murphy spoke earlier today about the outlook for international travel.

And any Aussies hoping to head overseas again sooner rather than later will be disappointed.

"Two thirds of our cases have been overseas acquired and recent analysis in academic literature has shown that those countries that have done the best have introduced border measures," Professor Murphy said.

"I cannot see border measures materially changing for some time and that presents a huge problem for the nation."

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Australia has recorded 6979 cases of COVID-19, with 3059 in New South Wales, 1514 in Victoria, 1052 in Queensland, 439 in South Australia, 553 in Western Australia, 225 in Tasmania, 107 in the Australian Capital Territory and 30 in the Northern Territory.

Australia’s death toll is at 98.

Here's how the day unfolded.


Virus-hit hospital to reopen

The hospital at the centre of a deadly coronavirus outbreak in northwest Tasmania will fully reopen a month after it was forced to close.

The North West Regional Hospital and its private counterpart in Burnie shut in mid-April after dozens of healthcare workers tested positive.

After a staggered resumption, services at the facility will be fully operational on Thursday, the state government has announced.

Defence force personnel and an AusMAT team, usually reserved for emergency disaster relief, were called in to clean the hospitals and get services online after 1200 staff were forced to go into quarantine.

“This has been one of the biggest and most complex logistical exercises ever undertaken by our health staff,” Health Minister Sarah Courtney said on Wednesday.

A state government report found the most likely origin of the hospital cluster was infected Ruby Princess passengers returning to the state.

Twelve of the island’s 13 deaths have been in the northwest while about two-thirds of a total of 225 cases have come from the region.


'Church' fined over COVID products

An Australian ‘church’ has been hit with a massive $150,000 fine for selling a product it claims can cure coronavirus but that’s essentially bleach.

The Therapeutic Goods Administration issued 12 infringement notices to the company, which bills itself as the local arm of the controversial Genesis II religion, over its sale of Miracle Mineral Solution.

Rather than any miraculous ingredients, MMS contacts sodium chlorite – a bleaching agent and disinfectant that doctors warn can cause serious harm.

“The TGA is concerned about the harmful effects that can be caused by the ingestion of MMS,” the agency said in a statement.

“There is no clinical, scientifically-accepted evidence showing that MMS can cure or alleviate any disease. The use of MMS presents serious health risks, and can result in nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea and severe dehydration, which in some cases can result in hospitalisation.”

The Australian organisation, branded MMS Australia, has sold MMS for several years and promoted it as a treatment for everything from cancer to HIV, repeatedly prompting safety warnings and sparking condemnation.

Professor Andrew Dawson, Clinical Director of the NSW Poisons Information Centre, told that it has received four calls in just over 12 months from people who ingested the product.

“In three of these cases the patient was very unwell in hospital requiring treatment for symptoms consistent with toxicity,” Dr Dawson said.

Professor Andrew Dawson warns people to not consume MMS.

“Miracle Mineral Solution contains sodium chlorite (22 to 28 per cent), which if ingested can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, and corrosive injury.

“It can cause methemoglobinemia, which reduces the bloods ability to carry oxygen as well as damage the kidneys and liver.”

In large doses, it can also be deadly.

The TGA said MMS Australia promoted a number of its products as being for therapeutic use, and as such, it’s subject to regulation.

It also alleged that the group “included a testimonial where the person… appears to be directly involved with the production, sale, supply or marketing of the goods”.

The 12 infringements total $151,200.

Mark Grenon, the founder of Genesis II in the United States, wrote to President Donald Trump about the ‘power’ of chlorine dioxide, saying it could “rid the body of COVID-19”.

Just days later, Mr Trump suggested that disinfectant could be a coronavirus cure at a press conference, sparking concern.

He later suggested that his remarks were made sarcastically.

Pubs in NSW to reopen on Friday

Good news just in for people in New South Wales missing the pub.

The State Government has decided that pubs will be allowed to reopen from Friday, under strict conditions.

In a nutshell, they’ll be limited to 10 patrons who must be sitting down to have a meal and can only be sold alcohol via table service.

Fears over restaurants reopening

Restaurants and cafes are preparing to reopen their doors after several weeks of forced closures, which have devastated the industry and impacted hundreds of thousands of workers.

National Cabinet last week agreed to an easing of coronavirus restrictions on some hospitality venues, limiting diners to no more than 10.

States and territories are moving at their own speed but some, including New South Wales, will adopt the guidance from this weekend.

But as businesses ready themselves to trade again, the union for hospitality workers said it has “major safety concerns” that profits will be put before the welfare of staff.

United Workers Union National Secretary Tim Kennedy isn’t convinced that the industry can be trusted to do the right thing by staff, given its “appalling track record” of widespread wage theft and poor standards.

“Like all Australians, we want things to return to normal and for workers to be back at work as soon as possible. But the top priority as things re-open must be safety,” Mr Kennedy said.

“We have very real concerns that the Federal Government and State Governments have tunnel vision in the re-opening efforts and are going to put profits before safety.

“That’s why hospitality workers need a seat at the table and a clear set of standards upheld to ensure the entire community can have confidence the industry can re-open safely.”

The hospitality sector has been hit worse than any other by the coronavirus crisis, with an estimated one-in-three paid jobs lost in a month.

But rushing back without a plan in place is risky for workers, Mr Kennedy said.

“We are calling on governments to implement mandatory training for all hospitality staff prior to any venue re-opening, the provision of paid pandemic leave for all hospitality workers, and a zero-tolerance approach to any employer who does not comply,” he said.

“As restrictions continue to ease, United Workers will propose further recommendations to assist the industry toward pre-COVID-19 levels in a safe manner.

“Together, we will get through this crisis and rebuild a safer, fairer and better hospitality industry for all Australians.”

Restaurant's hilarious reopening tactic

One restaurant in Sydney has gone all out to celebrate being able to open its doors in the next 48 hours as NSW eases its coronavirus restrictions.

Up to 10 patrons are allowed to dine at cafes and restaurants across the state from this Friday, May 15.

One restaurant owner is ensuring a nice ambiance is provided despite the smaller number of patrons.

Cardboard cut-outs of people have been placed in empty seats at Five Dock Dining in Sydney's inner west.

Owner Frank Angeletta told Seven News they have 18 patrons booked across two sittings on Friday.

He's even got a playlist of ambient restaurant music at the ready, featuring a crowd and "heavy dishes".

"They're a talkative bunch," Mr Angeletta said with a laugh.

"Hopefully it pays off."

NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian today said state government ministers are in talks about the reopening of pubs.

"We're looking at that with industry," she said.

"We are in a position now, and I say do not measure our success by the number of cases we get every day.

“Our success should be measured by how much economic activity we have and we are now in the phase in NSW of looking at specific industry initiatives we can do to really boost jobs.”

Investigation into meatworks outbreak

Authorities in Victoria have launched an investigation into the significant coronavirus cluster at a meatworks in Melbourne.

Cedar Meats in Brooklyn is the course of an outbreak of COVID-19, with 88 people infected in the past two weeks.

The facility is currently closed as a precaution and will undergo a deep clean before it reopens.

Chief Medical Officer Professor Brendan Murphy has repeatedly praised the handling of the outbreak by health officials.

Today, WorkSafe Victoria announced it would commence a probe and work with the state’s Department of Health and Human Services to develop “appropriate industry guidance for managing and controlling coronavirus in the workplace”.

Ensuring workers maintain social distancing when on site and promoting good hand hygiene are among the measures.

Queensland's bold Virgin bid

This is quite significant news.

The Queensland Government has announced it’ll make a bid for troubled airline Virgin Australia, an endeavour it’s called Project Maroon.

Treasurer Cameron Dick said he has appointed the state-owned Queensland Investment Corporation to work up the pitch, which could be in the form of a direct equity stake, loan, guarantee or other financial incentive.

“My number one focus as treasurer is to retain and create jobs for Queenslanders, particularly as we move beyond the COVID-19 crisis,” Mr Dick said.

In the days before Virgin Australia entered voluntary administration, the Queensland Government offered it a $200 million lifeline and encouraged the Commonwealth to come to the table.

The federal government declined, and the airline collapsed. Administrators are now working through a plan to save Virgin Australia.

There's already some strong reaction to this breaking news…

Twist in Commission boss salary

Earlier today, it was reported that Nev Power, the boss of the government's COVID-19 Commission, tasked with getting Australia back in business, was being paid $500,000 for six months of work.

That was based on figures provided by the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet.

Now, it seems that huge number was wrong. Whoops.

Aussies reunited with loved ones

If you're looking for something to brighten your day, this might do it.

Our friends at AAP captured these beautiful photographs of Australians being reunited with their families are spending 14 days in mandatory quarantine on Rottnest Island in Western Australia.

Beef and barley brouhaha continues

Trade Minister Simon Birmingham has been unsuccessful in arranging a meeting with Chinese officials over the escalating trade dispute.

China has flexed its import muscle, blocking beef from Australian producers and hiking tariffs on barley, sparking panic about the economic and industry ramifications.

Senator Birmingham has asked for a call with his Chinese counterpart but is yet to receive a reply, he conceded in an interview with ABC News.

“We don't have one scheduled as yet,” Senator Birmingham said.

“I hope China will be willing to engage in those discussions, but (it’s) not the only pathway we are pursuing to try to resolve these issues in relation to the beef sector and the barley industry.”

When pressed on the delay in securing a formal meeting to discuss the critical issue, Senator Birmingham said “the ball is very much in the court of the Chinese government”.

“We have made very clear that I and available and keen to have a discussion where we can discuss and canvas some of these trade-related matters."

But a range of other avenues would continue to be explored in the interim, he said.

“That is why we have a very active embassy in Beijing, with strong connections and engagement into other avenues and parts of the Chinese government, and of course it's why we support industry in their direct engagement in response to the particular technical requests of what China has raised with us.”

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