Coronavirus Australia: Call-out for retired doctors, nurses and health workers
Deputy chief medical officer Paul Kelly has issued a call-out for one group of retirees to return to the workforce to fight the COVID-19 outbreak.
Having issued a call-out to Australia’s 40,000 retired healthcare workers to return to the workforce last week, the nation’s deputy chief medical officer says there’s one group in particular who could be “valuable” in our fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.
In an update on how the country is tracking in its fight against the potentially-deadly coronavirus – which has infected more than 6100 Aussies and killed 53 – Professor Paul Kelly said for any retired doctors, nurses and Allied health workers considering coming back to work, “now is the time”.
While “it’s not a compulsory thing”, Prof Kelly said there are already been a substantial number of professionals – particularly nurses – who’d put their hands up to return to the workforce, but there was one group in particular health authorities were hoping for.
“If we were lucky to get a large number of ICU nurses coming back from retirement or working in other areas, or indeed, recently retired just like that, I think that would be valuable,” he told media today.
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COVID-19 UPDATE: Weâre launching a new pandemic sub-register to fast track the return to the workforce of experienced and qualified health practitioners. #covid19au #covid_19australia #medtwitter #doctor #nurse #midwife #pharmacist
— Ahpra (@Ahpra) April 2, 2020
Prof Kelly said “in the meantime”, the Government had introduced a number of “online and other offerings for training or retraining up skilling, particularly in relation to infectious disease, infectious disease control and intensive care”.
Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) CEO Martin Fletcher said last week the potential addition of thousands of practitioners would aid the fight against coronavirus and relieve the pressure on those already working.
“Even if we get only 5 per cent or 10 per cent of practitioners wanting to stay on the sub-register, we’re talking about somewhere between 2000 and 4000 additional practitioners available to the health system,” Mr Fletcher told the ABC.
“I think every bit is going to help.”
Former medical professionals will be added to the general register for a year, under a pandemic sub-register.
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Mr Fletcher said those with any health issues would be encouraged to opt out of returning to work, and calling up workers who have retired will need to be balanced with the potential risk of complications from older people contracting coronavirus.
“The last thing we want to do is to put people’s health at risk,” Mr Fletcher said.
In South Australia, Health Minister Stephen Wade said recruiting extra health professionals would ensure hospitals, health sites, aged care facilities and COVID-19 clinics would have the skilled workforce required to manage the increased demand.
“By fast-tracking recruitment in key medical, allied and scientific health roles, we are increasing our capacity to meet COVID-19 demand while continuing to safeguard our most vulnerable patients during this challenging time,” he said.
Australian College of Nursing CEO Kylie Ward told SBS it is imperative Australia prepares for an increased healthcare workload. The Federal Government has joined with the College to provide a free refresher course for nurses that no longer work in a hospital setting.
“With the anticipated increase in demand in ventilators, in hospitals, in caring for people in the community at home, it is essential that we get the workforce of nurses that is required,” Ms Ward said.