
Nutritionist Susie Burrell reviews Netflix’s new documentary What The Health

A NEW Netflix documentary about our diets has everybody talking, but nutritionists say there are gaping holes in what it’s telling us.

Trailer: What the Health

IT WAS with great hesitation that I tuned into the latest polarising Netflix documentary, What the Health.

It’s produced and written by the team who were also involved in the 2014 doco Cowspiracy, which explored the impact of animal agriculture on the environment.

What The Health addresses issues which hit home for many Australians — our meat-eating culture, big business and agriculture.

The film begins with writer and presenter Kip Andersen undertaking his own review of the scientific literature, and not surprisingly finding a link between foods processed meat, dairy and an increased risk of developing heart disease, some types of cancer and diabetes.

Andersen goes on to highlight that public health organisations in the US can be seen to be actively promoting the consumption of these foods, and are in many cases sponsored by the agricultural groups and food companies that produce and make these products.

The key thing for the average person to know is that if you search the scientific literature, you will find anything that you look for.

There are some studies that link a high intake of processed meat to an increased risk of developing cancer. There are also many studies that do not support this finding.

It is the same as dairy. It is called “cherry picking” the data, or finding research that supports your beliefs.

Or in the case of What the Health, finding information that supports the belief that any person who has, or is at risk of developing a range of chronic diseases should be recommended to, and consume a plant based, vegetarian or vegan diet.

Indeed plant-based diets are linked to lower body weights and a reduced risk of chronic diseases and they are better for the environment. This is not new information.

But the issue is that all studies are linked to relative risk. This means the chance you will get ill. It does not mean that every person who consumes processed meat (for which there is relatively strong evidence a high intake is linked to an increased risk of developing colon cancer), will actually get cancer. Such data also does not take into account dietary patterns.

Human beings do not eat one food, they eat a range of foods, and when it comes to nutrition, things are complicated.

For example, cultures who have a high intake of processed meat, may also have very high intake of fresh fruits and vegetables, which appears to negate the risk.

It is for this reason that public health organisations feature general dietary advice. Diets are complicated.

When it comes to meat, dairy and chronic diseases, What The Health makes some pretty big statements.

Health professionals are generally reluctant to agree with these big, general claims, because the right diet for an individual is much more complicated than eliminating whole food groups.

While we know a plant based diet has many benefits, human beings have difficulty following any type of diet.

It it is challenging to get patients to make any considerable dietary change, let alone suggest they become vegetarian or vegan.

It is for this reason that films like this are sensationalised pieces of idealism, minus the practical strategies that will actually see any individuals benefit.

Without doubt, most of us will benefit from eating less meat, especially processed meats although we eat a lot less of this in Australia than is consumed in the US, and a lot more plant foods in our diet.

But is there a need to eliminate animal foods entirely? No. It is all about consuming protein rich, lean animal foods in moderation and maintaining a healthy weight, as overweight and obesity are ultimately the greatest predictors of obesity, heart disease and diabetes.

In saying that, the messages within the film relating to agricultural, food industry and pharmaceutical sponsorship of public health intuitions are spot on.

They are massive conflicts of interest. Such associations breach the trust of both health professionals who work in their fields and the general public.

It’s a massive wake up call for governments to regulate such vested associations and financial relationships, but more importantly, adequately fund public health.

Raising awareness and helping to lobby these changes is where documentaries such as What The Health have real value.

What The Health is currently screening on Netflix.

Read related topics:Netflix

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