How a Perth mum of two helped Mel Gibson lose 14kg in eight weeks
MEL GIBSON has dropped an impressive 14kg in just two months. The secret to his success is Perth mum-of-two Sam Jackson.
PERTH-BASED health coach Sam Jackson was sitting in a restaurant in Sydney when she noticed that Hollywood star Mel Gibson was at the table next to her.
While most people might try to take a surreptitious photo of the actor, Jackson went one further and struck up a conversation with him, as he was dining alone.
The two got along famously and ended up swapping phone numbers. Gibson complained that he was having trouble getting rid of his “middle-aged spread”. It was a challenge that Jackson couldn’t refuse, and so she offered to help coach him through an intensive weight-loss challenge.
According to The West, Jackson said “give me eight weeks with you, I’ll get rid of it’.”
And she was true to her word. Over the next eight weeks, Gibson lost a whopping 14kg.
Jackson tells New Idea that since that chance meeting in June she wakes every morning to a string of text messages from Gibson, who is now back in the US.
“We swap about 30 texts a day and FaceTime a couple of times a week,” explains the mum-of-two.
The 62-year-old actor calls Jackson by her nickname Mighty Mouse.
“Mighty Mouse, I don’t have time to work out today. That OK?” is an example of a message from Gibson.
To which Jackson’s reply is: “Not OK. Get on the treadmill!”
Her strict fitness regimen and diet has seen the Braveheart actor lose 27cm around his stomach.
Gibson is thrilled with the results, saying in a YouTube video “my clothes fit, my back doesn’t hurt anymore, I sleep better.
“Basically you’re eating more often, but better … at least I fit in the mirror!”
The diet she prescribed for Mel Gibson was shared with New Idea:
Breakfast: (Within an hour of waking) omelette with tomatoes and capsicum.
Snack: (Three hours later) Zen Fuze Protein Shake.
Lunch: (Three hours later) chicken with asparagus, broccoli and green beans and sweet potato.
Snack: (Three hours later) Zen Fuze Protein Shake.
Dinner: (Three hours later) grilled salmon with small baked potato and garden salad.