
Seven days, seven ways to deal with bullies

TRY these techniques in the fight against this insidious form of harassment. And remember you are not on your own.


BEING bullied as an adult is one of the hardest things to deal with.

Try these techniques in the fight against this insidious form of harassment, and remember - you are not on your own.

Identify if you're a victim of bullying. The Australian Human Rights Commission defines it as the repeated and intentional use of words or actions to cause distress and risk to a person's wellbeing. If you feel safe enough, approach the bully and tell them their behaviour is unacceptable.

If you experience cyberbullying, block and report the instigator, be vigilant with passwords and private information, and be wary when sharing photos.

According to the National Centre Against Bullying, it can be overt or covert behaviour such as harassment, defamation, embarrassment or exclusion via digital technology.

Being victimised at work? Check your company's policy on bullying and inform HR or a supervisor. Follow up to ensure something is being done. Workplace bullying involves unreasonable and escalating behaviour directed at one or more workers, and the "repetitive, prolonged abuse of power", psychologist and bullying expert Evelyn Field says. 

If you're being targeted in a social forum, try not to show how much the bullying is having an impact. Social bullying includes spreading rumours, damaging a reputation, humiliation or exclusion. Calmly tell the bully you won't put up with the harassment, or ignore it and walk away.

Seek support. Dealing with a bully can take a mental and physical toll, so don't face it on your own. Turn to someone who makes you feel comfortable - a friend, family member, colleague or a workplace or external psychologist. 

Hold on to evidence. You have nothing to be ashamed about by exposing a bully. Keep a diary of events, including dates, times and witnesses, and print all emails or online communication. If they verbally bully you, write it down and have a witness sign it.

Move on. Leaving a job or social group may not be easy, nor the win you hoped for, but if it means less stress and a chance to put it behind you, it might be the best solution. Cut off all contact with the bully and keep your head held high. You're not to blame.

If you or someone you know is being bullied and needs help, contact Lifeline 13 11 14, beyondblue 1300 22 46 36, or the Salvo Care Line 1300 36 36 22.

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