
All you need to know about how the same-sex marriage postal survey will work

IT’S a green light for same-sex marriage vote. If you’re confused on how it will work, or when you’ll get your ballot, look here.

Ballots papers, in their millions, will begin to be sent out from next week. Picture: AFP.
Ballots papers, in their millions, will begin to be sent out from next week. Picture: AFP.

IT’S on. Australians will get the chance to judge whether their fellow citizens should be allowed to wed the person they love.

With the High Court on Thursday having struck down the final challenge to the $122 million non-binding same-sex marriage survey, 16 million ballot papers will now be sent out over the coming weeks.

It’s a green light to one of the most unusual and complex public votes in Australian history.

If you’re not sure how this whole thing will work, fear not, you’re not alone. We’ve answered all your questions about the referendum, sorry plebiscite, sorry survey.

So, it’s not a plebiscite any more?

It was, but then the government put the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) in charge of the whole shebang and as they can’t legally run elections or votes it’s now a mere survey.

What question will be on the ballot paper?

Those who were around during the republic referendum will know what a tongue twister, brain scramble of a question that was.

On this issue, it’s a lot simpler. Australians will be asked: “Should the law be changed to allow same-sex couples to marry?” Yes or No.

The ballots paper will be a simple yes or no answer.
The ballots paper will be a simple yes or no answer.

So, if a majority vote yes does that mean same-sex marriage becomes legal?

Nope. Told you it was complicated.

The postal survey is basically a huge opinion poll to gauge the views of Australians on same-sex marriage which MIGHT lead to a vote in Parliament. Only that vote can actually make same-sex marriage legal.

If a majority of people vote in favour in the postal survey, a vote will then be held in parliament which Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull says he expects will make same-sex marriage legal.

If Australians vote no, Mr Turnbull has said the parliamentary vote will not proceed.

But here’s the rub. Even if there is a resounding yes vote, MPs are under no compulsion to actually vote in favour of same-sex marriage. Indeed, Liberal MP Craig Kelly told ABC News on Thursday that he will vote not according to the national total but, “the way my electorate votes”.

Why are we having a postal vote at all if it won’t change the law?

Indeed. When Ireland held a referendum to decide the issue they legally had to because the definition of a marriage was enshrined in the constitution. You can only change the constitution through a public vote.

That’s not the case in Australia. The definition of marriage can only be changed by a vote on the floor of the house.

However, Attorney-General George Brandis, has said same-sex marriage is an “important social question” which Australians should have a say on.

Expect to see lots of campaigning for either side over the next few weeks. Picture: Michael Dodge/Getty Images.
Expect to see lots of campaigning for either side over the next few weeks. Picture: Michael Dodge/Getty Images.

When will my ballot paper arrive?

It’s difficult to say exactly. The ballot packs will begin to be sent out from Tuesday, September 12th. However, they won’t all be sent out at once and it could take up to two weeks for forms to arrive in your mailbox.

Can all Australians vote?

Citizens aged 18 and above only. And you had to be on the electoral roll by August 24. There’s no point enrolling now — you’re too late.

So how do I actually vote?

The package containing the survey form will include instructions on how to complete the form and a reply paid envelope for you to post back. If you’ve ever done a postal vote it will be very similar. The biggest obstacle will be remembering to post it back.

Heidi McIvor, a pastor from Victoria, fronted the Coalition of Marriage's anti-same-sex marriage ad campaign.
Heidi McIvor, a pastor from Victoria, fronted the Coalition of Marriage's anti-same-sex marriage ad campaign.

When do I have to send the vote back?

The final, final, absolute deadline to return your ballot is 6pm on November 7, 2017. But the ABS recommends you aim to have it back by October 27.

The yes campaign has said it expects 80 per cent of forms to be returned within two days of being received. In fact, it’s banking on it because the worry with a postal survey is that the longer people leave it to send the form back, the more likely they’ll lose the ballot paper under a pile of bills and Aldi catalogues.

What if I lose my vote?

You can ask for a new form to be sent to you. Just make sure you ask for one by 6pm on October 18, 2017. Details on how to do this will be published on the ABS website when finalised.

Will I be fined if I don’t vote?

No, you won’t. Unlike in elections and referendums, the government has no power to fine you if you fail to return the postal survey.

When will the result be known?

The ABS will process the forms as they come in but they won’t reveal any results until the deadline has passed for votes to be returned.

The result of the same-sex marriage survey will be made public on 15 November.

What are the key dates?

Tuesday, September 12 — Ballot packs begin to be sent out to all households. This process could take up to two weeks.

Wednesday, October 18 — Deadline to request replacement ballot packs.

Friday, October 27 — The date the ABS recommends you return your vote by.

Tuesday, November 7 (6pm AEST) — The final cut off point for votes to be received by the ABS.

Wednesday, November 15 — Results of the same-sex marriage survey released.

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