
What staff really do to your food when you complain

YOU might want to reconsider making a complaint next time you’re not happy at a restaurant after reading these horror stories.

Waiter Thinkstock
Waiter Thinkstock

YOU might reconsider making a complaint next time you’re unsatisfied at a restaurant after reading these horror stories.

On Q&A website Quora, people in the food industry are exposing the revenge they have seen being taken on customers who complained, and one thing is for sure – it will put you off your food, The Sun reports.

One man said he used to work for a “very popular burger chain” where most of the staff were aged between 15 and 18 and warned that “complaining to a teenager is the wrong thing to do”.

A burger chain worker said you should never complain to teenage workers. Picture: ThinkStock
A burger chain worker said you should never complain to teenage workers. Picture: ThinkStock

Here is the list of stomach-churning customer service he witnessed.

1. Daddy long legs spider seared into a burger.

2. Different types of body hair being purposely added to food.

3. Sneezing then wiping the nose with a bun (then calling it a Bacon Double Sneeze Burger).

4. Many different forms of spit and phlegm being combined with the “corrected” order

5. Wiping butt and/or armpits with food items

And the best for last.

6. Toilet trouble — after one customer defecated on the bathroom floor and a worker was sent to clean it up, it was later revealed that his cleaning implement of choice was the nugget scoop.

And he reckons he’s heard worse.

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