
Big mistake Aussies make at breakfast

A simple mistake Aussies make at breakfast time means many are starting the day off all wrong. Here’s what you should be eating.

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When it comes to the most frequently consumed breakfast foods, toast would be pretty close to the top of the list. Whether your preference is for the Aussie staple of Vegemite, or more gourmet versions of smashed avo, toast and spread is a quick, relatively cheap and seemingly healthy breakfast choice. Or is it? The harsh reality is that if you standard brekkie is an order or Turkish toast with spread, it is quite possibly the worst choice nutritionally on the menu. So if you love nothing more than some hot, crunchy toast in the morning here is the easy ways to enjoy a healthier version of it.


The issue with our toast order is that is has changed significantly in recent years. A typical order of toast translates into massive slices of white or Turkish bread, with lashings of spread, usually margarine and a sugary topping such as jam or honey. The refined white flour in these thick breads releases glucose quickly into the bloodstream, resulting in large amounts of insulin too being released to keep blood glucose levels controlled. High insulin levels over time are associated with weight gain, hunger and overeating.

A typical serve of Turkish toast contains 60-80g of carbs, the equivalent of up to four slices of regular bread, while large slices of Sourdough can contain as much as double the carbohydrates of a standard serve of toast you would prepare at home. For this reason skipping the Turkish completely in favour of small slices of wholegrain or rye sourdough is ideal. Or even better save some money and prepare your toast at home using small slices of wholegrain bread, which contain just 20-30g of carbs per two slices.

The other option that is becoming increasing visible are the new lower-carb and high-protein breads. With densely packed grains and seeds and minimal processed flours, these breads can contain as little as 5g of carbs per two slices and are much better choices nutritionally for a filling, high-fibre toast option.


For many of us, our toast would not even be worth having if it is not dripping in butter but the reality is that when we buy our toast away from the home the spread is more likely to be heavily processed margarine than more expensive, less processed butter. Made from refined vegetable oils, margarine offers nothing positive nutritionally to the diet other than poor quality fat in relatively large amounts thanks to the heavy-handed spread at the cafe.

Other popular toppings including jam and honey then add tons of extra sugars, which is generally followed with a sugar lull a couple of hours later. Unfortunately, national favourite Vegemite is not much better. Packed full of salt, it contains no protein and is general only enjoyed with lashings of butter or margarine.

Go easy on the Vegemite.
Go easy on the Vegemite.

The key to getting your toast order right is to make sure your choice of topping contains some protein. Adding eggs, smoked salmon, lean ham, turkey or cottage cheese will help to slow digestion and keep your blood glucose levels controlled through the morning, while bumping up the nutritional quality of the breakfast. If you are time poor, 100 per cent nut spreads, a simple slice of cheese or the good fat found in avocado are other nutritionally rich choices that will improve the quality of your brekkie toast and help to keep you full until lunchtime.


Making your toast at home will likely save you at least 200 calories a day and plenty of dollars. Here you can control the type of bread and skip the spreads in favour of nutrient and protein rich toppings such as avocado, eggs or smoked salmon. And if the only option for you is to order your toast, opt for small slices of wholegrain bread or sourdough, no butter or margarine option and spend a little extra for some cheese or avocado.

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