
Sommelier reveals why you should never put cork back on wine

A sommelier has revealed why wine drinkers should never put a cork back on their favourite bottle of wine if they haven’t finished the bottle.

Sommelier reveals common wine mistake

Wine drinkers don’t need to be an expert in order to enjoy the beverage but a sommelier has revealed one common mistake people are making - and how to avoid it.

Warner Boin is a sommelier, and has revealed why wine lovers should never put the cork back on an unfinished bottle.

“If you were to put the cork back in a bottle of wine that’s half empty, you’ll see the oxygen and corks are porous,” Boin said.

Sommelier reveals why you should never put cork back in wine. Picture: TikTok/@confidenceuncorked
Sommelier reveals why you should never put cork back in wine. Picture: TikTok/@confidenceuncorked

Porous means the cork has minute holes that allow oxygen to flow through the item, meaning even more air will get into the half empty bottle.

Too much oxygen in a bottle of wine can destroy the complex flavours in the bottle of wine.

Warner offered an alternative way to close the bottle of wine without it being exposed to the elements.

“What you really want to do is reduce the oxygen to wine ratio,” Warner said.

“I recommend a mason jar. All you have to do is take whatever wine you have left over and pour it into the mason jar - or any kind of air tight container.”

She said in desperate times she has used a kombucha container that she cleaned out.

All people have to do is seal the container with a lid and the wine will be protected.

She said to pour the wine into an air tight container. Picture: TikTok/@confidenceuncorked
She said to pour the wine into an air tight container. Picture: TikTok/@confidenceuncorked
She said the container keeps it fresh for a handful of days. Picture: TikTok/@confidenceuncorked
She said the container keeps it fresh for a handful of days. Picture: TikTok/@confidenceuncorked

The video has clocked up more than 2.5 million views, with hundreds thanking Warner for her advice.

“This is the mason jar meal prep content I’ve been waiting for,” one social media user commented on the clip.

Another joked: “Leftover wine. I’ve read about it but never experienced it. I thought it was an urban myth!”

“AND! Party bonus you can just drink it right out of the jam jar. ‍️#KeepinItClassy,” another user commented on the insightful video.

Warner said it was a trick that she swore by and would continue to recommend as it kept the wine fresh for a handful of days after initially opening the bottle.

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