‘Disgusting’ Vegemite cops brutal spray on international stage
AUSSIES love Vegemite. It’s a fact. But Sweden clearly doesn’t share the same values, after giving our classic spread a horrible wrap at a local museum. Warning: Offensive.
AUSSIES love Vegemite. It’s a fact. But Sweden clearly doesn’t share the same values as us.
A museum showcasing the world’s most “disgusting food” is opening in coastal city Malmo today, and the humble spread isn’t the only cuisine from Down Under that made the cut.
Musk sticks and witchetty grubs are also among the line-up of 80 items being featured at the Disgusting Food Museum in the country’s south..
“I want people to question what they find disgusting,” said Samuel West, the lead curator of the Disgusting Food Museum, a touring pop-up exhibition that opens on Wednesday.
“I love Vegemite so I’m kind of sad that it’s in the museum,” he admitted to the ABC.
When asked about people’s uproar about their country’s food being labelled foul, museum director Andreas Ahrens said: “It’s interesting to see how everyone comes to the defence of their own food. People can’t believe that we take their favourite foods and put them in the museum.”
So while our beloved Vegemite copped a brutal spray, there are another 35 countries whose favoured dishes are being thrown under the microscope at the exhibit.
Haggis, the Scottish delicacy made of offal and oatmeal, traditionally boiled in a bag made from a sheep’s stomach, is at the exhibit, as well as American staple Spam, a pink canned cooked pork product.
Fruit bat soup from Guam, Sardianian maggot infested cheese and Chinese mouse wine are also front and centre.
Mr Ahrens said a group of judges scoured over a list of 250 foods and critiqued them on taste, smell, texture and background.
He said the point of the exhibit was for people to question why they find certain foods disgusting.
“It is inherently a somewhat subjective thing to figure out what is disgusting,” he said.
The disgusting food museum opens today and finishes on January 27, 2019.