
Woman faces backlash for trying to have an alcohol-free Christmas party

A woman’s alcohol-free Christmas plea has had a very mixed reaction..

A woman decided to host Christmas this year but put strict rules about alcohol in place. Picture: Getty Images
A woman decided to host Christmas this year but put strict rules about alcohol in place. Picture: Getty Images

After getting fed up with her husband’s family year after year, a sober woman decided to ban alcohol at her Christmas party.

She shared her reasoning on Reddit, and most readers were not on her side.

Posting anonymously to Reddit, the woman shared her real life dilemma.

“My husband’s family likes to drink. Every holiday includes multiple bottles of wine and cocktails,” she began.

While they clearly like the buzz, she does not.

“I hate drinking. I have never drank. My father was an alcoholic [and] I think it’s childish if you can’t have fun without drinking.”

The current problem began, however, when she decided to host Christmas this year for a change of scenery.

“I decided since it’s at my house, no alcohol allowed. We are all getting older and it’s time to grow up.”

A woman decided to host Christmas this year but put strict rules about alcohol in place. Picture: Getty Images
A woman decided to host Christmas this year but put strict rules about alcohol in place. Picture: Getty Images

When she informed her sister-in-law about the rule, things got dicey.

“She saw a recipe for a Christmas martini that she wanted to bring. I told her about my no alcohol rule. She didn’t say much but must have told the rest of the family.”

The host-to-be began to receive texts from other members asking if she was serious about the ban and telling her she was being lame for enforcing it.

“But I’m not budging,” the woman said sternly.

So, the family came up with their own solution.

“Now it turns out, my husband’s sister is hosting an alternate gathering that almost everyone is choosing to go to instead. It’s so disrespectful, all because they would have to spend one day sober.”

Her husband tried to intervene, calling his sister to speak about the issue.

“[He told me] we are invited to her gathering, and he said we should just go and stop causing issues. But I won’t. It’s so rude.”

Users on Reddit were quick to tell the woman where she was making a mistake. Picture: Lionel Bonaventure/AFP
Users on Reddit were quick to tell the woman where she was making a mistake. Picture: Lionel Bonaventure/AFP

That refusal caused a fight between the spouses.

“Now husband is mad because I’m making him stay home and spend Christmas with me, but it was my turn to host and I chose to have a no alcohol.

“They could have dealt with it for one year.”

Readers, however, quickly took the sister-in-law’s side, labelling the Reddit poster the bad guy.

“You’re the a**hole and the Grinch who stole Boozemas,” one quipped.

“It sounds like you’re projecting your trauma onto everyone. You’re the a**hole, go to therapy,” a second suggested.

“I understand where you come from, but you need to understand where other people come from too. It’s not your wedding or your birthday.

“This celebration is not about you and your wants. It’s a celebration to bring people together,” another began.

“Most people work hard all year and rarely get to see their family. When they do, they want to relax and celebrate. It sucks, but yes, alcohol is part of this.”

The issue caused a fight between the spouses, but readers warned the woman that the holiday wasn't about her. Picture: Getty Images
The issue caused a fight between the spouses, but readers warned the woman that the holiday wasn't about her. Picture: Getty Images

A third pointed out another issue with her ways, saying she was also in the wrong for not allowing your husband to celebrate Christmas with his family. That’s not your decision to make.

A fourth said she’s the a**hole, writing: “You made an executive decision for everyone else and now you’re pouting because they found a way around you. That type of behaviour is childish as well.” And someone else pointed out her entitled behavior: “Saying they ‘have to grow up’ is just so f***ing smug.”

This story originally appeared on The Sun and is republished here with permission.

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