Toby Sheldon pays $100,000 on plastic surgery to look like Justin Bieber
TEENAGE Beliebers can be excused for their excesses - to a degree - but a 33-year-old man has gone further, turning his face into Justin Bieber.
TEENAGE Beliebers can be excused for their excesses - to a degree - but a 33-year-old man has gone further, turning his face into his idol.
Toby Sheldon, a Los Angeles songwriter, has set $100,000 on cosmetic surgery over five years to look like the 19-year-old pop singer Justin Bieber, Gawker reported.
"It's Justin's smile that gives him his youthful look. So I had my upper lip lifted [and] my bottom lip plumped out," the musician told Closer.
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"My smile surgery took more than a month to recover from," Sheldon said. "And, after my eyelid surgery, I couldn't open my eyes for a week."
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Before "Justin's smile" was added, Sheldon had Botox injections and hair transplants.
Sheldon, who admitted he has a fear of ageing, started his obsession with Bieber when he first shot to fame in 1998.
"My friends shower me with compliments," he says. "They even call me Toby Bieber."