
The $150 haircut that helps you get lucky

DEVOTEES swear it gets results in the bedroom, and matchmakers send their clients to get the chop. What is it that makes this hairdo so special? Three people test it out for themselves.

Amy NY Post
Amy NY Post

HAIRDRESSER Mischa G laughs out loud at the grateful message from a client thanking her for the look she crafted for him the previous day.

"Your haircut got me a threesome!" texts Philip McElroy, a 21-year-old Hunter College student. A few seconds later, he follows up with: "Next time, I'll give you a bigger tip!"

Reviews like this are all in a day's work for the Manhattan Bumble and Bumble stylist, who at the moment is sporting a distinctive bright yellow-dyed beehive, but likes to change up her look every day.

Thirty-year-old Mischa Gobie (professionally, she goes by the initial G for her last name) is the creator of "The Get Laid Haircut," a term she coined herself.

Unlike "The Rachel," "The Kate" or "The Clooney," the GLH is not modeled on a celebrity. "The look" varies from person to person, and might include a sultry bang here, a straytendril there.

Ask any Mischa devotee and they'll swear it gets results in the bedroom. Fireworks might not necessarily explode the same day - "actually, most people find they look their best after it [the style] has settled down a bit on day two or day three," she stresses.

New York City matchmaker Amy Van Doran is so convinced by the powers of "The Get Laid Haircut," she instructs all her clients to shell out $110 for the complete cut and blow-out package, which usually amounts to $150 including tip, before sending them out on dates.

"She just has this amazing talent for knowing what will flatter the shape of their face and bone structure," says Van Doren. The duo has a quid-pro-quo arrangement wherein they send business each other's way.

"Crazy things seem to happen to people after they've seen Mischa. It's just a massive shot of confidence," adds Van Doren.

The Buffalo, NY, native started her hairdressing career upstate after graduating college. She moved to New York City and joined Bumble & Bumble six years ago.

"I get a lot of my inspiration from a bunch of drag queens who were my clients upstate," reveals Mischa. "They aren't necessarily the most confident people in the world, but they learn how to build up their confidence by altering their appearance.

"I'm a firm believer in the theory: 'fake it until you make it' - look and behave like you are fabulous and, after a while, you will be."

Although she is in a "wonderfully confusing and complicated" relationship with a man who laps up her quirky style - one day, she'll wear her tresses in schoolgirl braids, the next, they're up in an Amy Winehouse-style bun - she is constantly hit on because of her hair.

"It's a great conversation starter," adds Mischa, who has around 300 clients on her books.

She came up with the term, "The Get Laid Haircut," a couple years ago after so many of her customers shared stories of their conquests after she did their hair. Since then her business has taken off through word of mouth.

Phillip NY Post
Phillip NY Post

Lisa Pomery, 33, a marketing specialist from the Bronx who is another Mischa disciple, met her now live-in boyfriend the same night as her hair appointment last year.

"I'd stopped by to get my hair cut before an event and Mischa gave me what I now call 'mermaid waves'," recalls Pomery, who at the time hadn't been feeling on top of her game after being single for several months.

"Mike [her boyfriend] always tells me that it was the first thing he noticed."

Meanwhile, Mischa has even been known to match-make her own clients - with one couple hooking up after meeting at the salon and falling in lust over the sinks.

"There was a definite chemistry between them and he hung around while I was finishing up her hair," says Mischa.

"He lives in Williamsburg, she was going to something in Greenpoint. They ended up sharing a cab together and hung out a few nights."

And it was all chalked up to "The Get Laid Haircut"!

In the interests of research, The Post decided to put the fabled magic Mischa G touch to the test. Three single volunteers received the Get Laid makeover. Here's what happened:

Amy Distler, 29
Gowanus, Brooklyn
Press and marketing associate for an art gallery

Amy NY Post
Amy NY Post

The mission: Last month, Distler broke up with an "emotionally unavailable" boyfriend after almost a year. (Her ex waited nine months before revealing he had three kids and was going through a divorce.) She is cautiously re-entering the dating scene after downloading the popular Tinder app, which offers up potential dates who you can either chat with or disregard depending on their looks and whether you have mutual interests.

The hair: Before her makeover, the willowy blonde admits she was slightly disillusioned with the opposite sex and keen to get a confidence boost. "Maybe my ex will see me in The Post and realize what he's missing," says Distler, with a laugh.

"I want to give her a more tousled, bed-hair Brigitte Bardot kind of look," says Mischa. "Sometimes it just takes a different eye - a new person instead of your regular hairstylist - to come up with a new idea."

She softened Amy's look by creating bangs, adding "subtle nuances" by straight-edge razoring sections of hair around her eyes and mouth to emphasize her facial features. Then she added "Kate Moss-style waves" to create a devil-may-care look. "Guys shy away from high maintenance and fuss," says Mischa. "Amy looks more natural and fun and sexy this way."

The verdict: Distler's dinner date that night, Dean McCarthy, failed to recognize her when she walked into the restaurant as he'd only seen a photograph of her beforehand on Tinder. Then it was compliments all around. "I'd been contemplating bangs for some time now and Mischa helped me dive right in, " says Distler. "They definitely made me feel more sexy and sophisticated." She adds that putting herself in Mischa's hands made a difference because she wasn't given the chance to over-think and went with the flow.

Did she get laid? "Let's just say we went for a second date the following day," says Amy coyly. She and Dean have been going strong ever since. "The conversation is great, and he's an excellent kisser," she adds. "Two very important parts of dating someone!"

Jamie Ingalls, 29
Bushwick, Brooklyn
Professional musician and pizza maker

Jamie NY Post
Jamie NY Post

The mission: He knows he has to clean up his act after splitting with his girlfriend a month ago and getting back into the "dating scene," a term which makes him cringe.

"Truthfully, I don't really go on dates," he says. "I'm more into meeting someone at a show or bar because that's where I am more likely to meet the kind of girls I like."

The hair: Ingalls sheepishly admits that he doesn't get his hair cut professionally. "I don't really see the point in paying money for something I can do myself," he says. Unfortunately, it shows.

"Women like the unkempt look like Jamie's, but it has to be a controlled, artful type of unkempt," says Mischa. Ingalls's brown curly locks were carefully trimmed and the mass of unruly hair at the back of his neck contoured into his neck. Mischa buzzed his beard and he emerged sexier, suave and more sophisticated. "The new cut definitely draws more attention to his gorgeous brown eyes," says Mischa. "It opens up his face and makes him more approachable."

The verdict: "I'm pretty into it," says Ingalls, "The response has been pretty positive."

Did he get laid? "Yep, the night of the make-over," admits Ingalls, who went to go see his younger brother, Jake, perform in the band The Flaming Lips, before heading home with the lucky lady.

Jo Lim, 36
Brooklyn Heights, Brooklyn
Management consultant

Jo NY Post
Jo NY Post

The mission: While Lim is seeing a man, the arrangement isn't exclusive yet - "we haven't had the chat," she laughs - and she is keen to rev up her sex appeal

The hair: British import Lim admits she's in a hair rut. She's had the same style for years and, though she doesn't want a radical change - "I can't go short, it doesn't suit my face type," she insists - agrees with Mischa that a softer, wavier look would make her look more feminine.

"A wave and a touch of curl really makes you more approachable," says Mischa. "In my experience, guys like anything which isn't too tidy. You [should] look like you care about how you look but don't obsess over it."

Mischa used a straight-edged razor to add texture to Lim's hair and cut shorter strands around her eyes, again drawing attention to her best features. Next she created waves with a curling wand.

The verdict: Mischa certainly injected some va-va voom into Lim's look. The result was a fuller, bouncier version of her original style with height around the crown and sexy tendrils of hair. "I'm not usually the type to get catcalls, but I actually got a few of them along the street walking home from the Meatpacking District," says Lin, who is fully immersed in the New York dating scene, which she describes as "very different from London - there are so many strange rules about how you're supposed to behave!" She met one of her gay BFFs that night for a drink and definitely passed the test with him. "He was really impressed," says Lim. "Let's hope it has the same effect on straight guys."

Did she get laid? "I'm English and quite reserved so I won't answer that," laughs Lim, who nevertheless spent the weekend at the Austin City Limits Music Festival and had an "awesome time."

So, who's up for a trip to NYC?

This story originally appeared on the New York Post

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