
You’ll never pop a pimple again after this woman’s horrifying mistake

SQUEEZING a giant pimple is so satisfying. But this woman learned the hard way why you should just leave your face alone.

Katie Wright squeezed a pimple and then developed a bad infection.
Katie Wright squeezed a pimple and then developed a bad infection.

THERE is not much more satisfying in life than the pleasure of squeezing a giant pimple. Yep, it’s a disgusting pleasure.

Some of us like it so much that we watch videos of other people’s pimples getting popped, hence Dr. Pimple Popper and her millions of followers.

But we all know we shouldn’t do it. The bacteria can spread to other areas of our face and we can be left with what is essentially an open wound/sore on our face.

Katie Wright found out the hard way why we shouldn’t do it and why we should be cleaning all our makeup brushes regularly.

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Wright squeezed what she thought was a pimple on her forehead, according to Pedestrian TV.

“Within an hour my entire face swelled up and HURT. It felt like something was going to burst out of my skin,” Wright wrote on Twitter.

It turns out she didn’t have a zit but a staph infection that had affected deep cellular tissue, which just looked like a pimple.

After squeezing it, she was at risk of the infection spreading to her brain and also of going blind. But fortunately, she went to the hospital and was treated before any damage was done.

She also thinks the cause of her infection was her eyebrow brush, which she hadn’t cleaned.

And it seems this might be more common than we realise. Someone commented on one of her Twitter posts, revealing her sister had suffered the same fate.

So, ladies, you’ve been warned: Clean your face, makeup brushes and don’t squeeze pimples.

And by the way, Wright is okay now and her face has healed.

This article originally appeared on

5 of the craziest pimple pops

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