
Woman’s amazing acne transformation after using Roaccutane

ANYONE who’s had acne knows how much it can impact your self-esteem, but this girl cured her pimples with a simple drug.

Acne: What works and what's to blame

MOST teenagers suffer with acne at some point, and Kali Kushner was no different.

But when she was 19 her acne became more severe and she developed red marks that went deep into her skin.

Now, the 22-year-old student from Ohio, is sharing her incredible transformation after taking a common drug to treat the condition.

Kali had tried everything to rid her of her cystic acne but found that most medication made her spots worse.

She tried over-the-counter creams, using natural oils and even chose the method putting nothing on her face including makeup and cleansers but nothing helped, she told Marie Claire.

Then her dermatologist recommended an oral medication called Accutane — Roaccutane in Australia — and it took just three months for her skin to show signs of improvement.

“I had always had some minor acne in high school, but one month in 2014, it went full-force crazy, covering my entire face,” she said.

Kali documented her journey on Instagram, which was originally meant to be for her eyes only.

But her battle with acne inspired other people and now she has hit 22,000 followers on the social media account.

Kali has now stopped taking the medication because of the adverse affects it had, including severe dryness and back aches.

Roaccutane, which is made with vitamin A and is used to reduce oil production in the skin, is only available if it is prescribed by a doctor because of its adverse side effects.

Kali explained that she wanted her account to be a positive experience for other acne sufferers.

“People think you have acne because you’re dirty, or you don’t wash your face, or you’re just generally unkempt,” she said.

“I know it sounds cheesy, but you are so much more than your acne, and if you want to go on Accutane to make yourself feel more confident, then do it, but do it because of you, and not because you’re trying to look like this perfect image that matches our perfect standards of beauty.”

Recalling how her acne made her feel two years ago she said she wouldn’t leave the house without any make-up on.

But now she hasn’t worn anything on her skin for five months.

Kali stopped the medication after using it for six months and, while she still experiences problems with her skin, she is not looking to go back on it.

While Kali had a good experience of using the drug, it has been linked to 20 suicides in just two years.

Earlier this year, one family claimed their son killed himself after taking the controversial medication.

Robert and Becky Reeves said their son Luke, 21, became “irrational” after taking Roaccutane, and they believe he took his own life after enduring the side effects of the drugs.

Acne is a common skin condition that causes spots, oily skin and sometimes skin that is hot or painful to touch.

Most of the time acne is caused by hormonal changes in people between the ages of 11 and 30.

It is also genetic.

In the UK cases of adult acne have soared by 200 per cent, with one in five women now affected by the skin condition.

At its worst it can not only affect the face but spread to the neck, back, chest and in extreme cases all over the body as a painful condition known as whole body acne.

Earlier this year it was reported that scientists at the University of California working on two potential new treatments for acne - and one is a vaccine, that could stop unsightly breakouts before they even happen.

This article originally appeared on The Sun.

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