
What to expect in the world of cosmetic surgery in 2019

Surely 2018 saw pretty much everything you can imagine in the world of cosmetic surgery and beauty trends. Well, next year the game will completely change.

These will be some of the biggest beauty trends in 2019.
These will be some of the biggest beauty trends in 2019.

When it comes to cosmetic surgery and beauty trends, you’d think 2018 had delivered almost everything imaginable.

From vampire facelifts to belly button surgery and even eyebrow transplants, nothing was off limits.

And while beauty has no rules when it comes to experimentation, 2019 is set to take a bit of a step back from the OTT Kylie Jenner lips and Kim Kardashian contour.

Earlier this week, photo-sharing platform Pinterest released what they forecast to be the most popular trends in the way of beauty, with “Game of Thrones” facials, baby Botox and embracing your greys set to be big hitters. spoke with cosmetic specialist Dr Phoebe Jones, from Concept Cosmetic Medicine, and Vogue beauty and health editor-at-large Ricky Allen about what we will expect in 2019.


“There has been a huge trend towards more tasteful and less detectable procedures,” Dr Jones said.

“Baby Botox has become more popular in 2018, and that will continue in 2019. This treatment involves having smaller doses of Botox more regularly, say every six to eight weeks, rather than every few months.

“Having micro doses on a more regular basis keeps patients looking more natural, with less lines, but with some movement.

Baby Botox — micro doses of the injectable — will be popular in 2019.
Baby Botox — micro doses of the injectable — will be popular in 2019.

“As more and more people are getting antiwrinkle treatments, they are realising that the frozen, deer in headlights look is not the most attractive and can be glaringly obvious. Having bigger doses less frequently leads to a more obvious swing between looking frozen and looking haggard.”

“The Kim Kardashian look has had its day,” Ms Allen said. “Cosmetic enhancement will be all about you looking good but no one knowing you have had anything done.

“Look for decolletages being shown more. This is possible with new treatments like Juvederm Volite which really can make big improvements in an area of the body which tends to age quickly.”


“Beauty radiance booster was the new hot thing for getting a glow in 2018,” Dr Jones said.

“This procedure involves hundreds of microdroplets of hyaluronic acid being injected into the skin.

“This stimulates the collagen and moisturises from the inside out. A couple of weeks after the treatment the skin absolutely glows giving that healthy Jennifer Aniston/Kate Hudson look. It was very popular before the silly season and before important events.”

Another treatment that is likely to soar in 2019 is the enzyme facial, affectionately dubbed the “Game of Thrones” facial because of how it makes the skin look during the treatment.

Enzyme facials are a plant-based treatment developed by DMK that uses “transfer messenger enzymes” to create that juicy glow to the skin.

The light, white cream is made from enzymes and albumin — aka that clear film-y bit stuff you find inside egg shells.

The ‘Game of Thrones’ facial will have you looking like an alien for a few minutes during treatment.
The ‘Game of Thrones’ facial will have you looking like an alien for a few minutes during treatment.

If you’re after a relaxing hour at the spa, this probably isn’t the facial for you. The pre-cleanse is gentle, but once the enzyme mask is on your face, it’ll feel a lot like superglue pulling your skin tighter as it dries.

After 45 minutes, it’s carefully scrubbed off, leaving behind a visually alarming road map of spidery red capillaries called the “plasmatic effect”. But don’t stress, they only last about 15 minutes.


“Peripheral volumisation (or liquid facelift) will really be a trend in 2019,” Dr Jones said.

“Patients are becoming more interested and educated in treatments and in treating the aetiology of a problem, not just the effect.

“Our skull experiences thinning of the bone especially in the peripheral face; in the temples and the pre-auricular area (which is the area in front of the ear) and the angle of the jaw. “This cascade of volume loss leads to a saggy lower face, loose jowels and a turkey neck. By replacing volume peripherally (in the temples, pre-auricular area, and jawline) you will see a lifting effect on the lower face.”

Liquid nose jobs will increase in popularity in 2019, according to Dr Jones.
Liquid nose jobs will increase in popularity in 2019, according to Dr Jones.

Liquid rhinoplasties (nose jobs) are also going to be huge in 2019, as they will be popular for people who are hesitant to undergo a surgical rhinoplasty.

“Strategically placed filler can be used to disguise a strong dorsal hump, or to give strength to a very flat nose. Some people find it hard to get their head around the fact that you can actually add volume, yet make a nose look smaller. However, patient selection is very important because not all noses are suitable. Safety is also paramount because the nose is also a more risky area due to the vasculature. Chose your practitioner wisely.”


According to Dr Jones, gone are the days when getting lip filler has to be super obvious. “Good cosmetic doctors are happy to slowly grow lips over many treatments and make sure that the aesthetic outcome reflects facial harmony, well balanced features and tasteful proportions,” she said.

“Overfilled vermilion borders, stretched duck lips and poorly placed filler in the upper lip blanket are being less tolerated by patients.

According to industry experts, patients will be looking for a more natural look in 2019.
According to industry experts, patients will be looking for a more natural look in 2019.

Fortunately bad filler can be dissolved and the process can be started again.

“Good lip filler should result in a balanced natural shape, with a narrow sharp border, with the lower lip approximately 50 per cent bigger than the upper lip. Lip filler is always about going big, but more about balancing the face.”

But a new trend in lifting the lip, rather than filling, is likely to become more popular in 2019. In an interview with the Daily Mail, Professor Marcos Sforza, from MyAesthetics in the UK, said the permanent procedure can be done on a patient in less than an hour.

Lip fillers have been a popular go to in 2018, but more and more patients are opting for a ‘lift’ which has permanent results.
Lip fillers have been a popular go to in 2018, but more and more patients are opting for a ‘lift’ which has permanent results.

“When it comes to achieving enhanced lips, fillers have been the most common cosmetic procedure,” Prof Sforza said.

“However, there’s a growing demand for more natural-looking features and 2019 will see patients increasingly seeking a more nuanced effect, rather than opting for larger lips which may not suit their face shape.

“Enter the lip lift — a permanent procedure — typically done under local anaesthesia in less than an hour. This operation shortens the space between the bottom of the nose and the top of the lips (aka the philtrum) by carving out a bullhorn-shaped strip of skin just below the nostrils.

“It helps to raise the lips’ edges and creates a more natural, plumper appearance (as well as adding definition to the Cupid’s bow).”

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