
This video claims we’ve been using bandaids all wrong — and scissors are the key to getting it right

IF you think you know how to dress a cut to your finger with a bandaid — think again. This is how we should actually be using them.

Scissors are the key to putting on bandaids

GOT a cut? According to a new video, it appears to show that we have been using the humble bandaid all wrong.

While it might seem like there is only one way to use one of the blood-absorbing bandages — open packet, peel off the ends, stick — it turns out that is just the start.

A video how-to about using bandaids shows that there is more to it than just sticking one over the wound and forgetting about it until it falls off/is so sodden in blood you look like you have been dipping your finger in red paint.

Using a pricked fingertip as subject matter, the 43-seconds long clip says that it is wrong to just stick the bandaid over the end, and demonstrates how it’s not secure, with it easily slipping off and being moved about.

This isn't how you should be using a bandaid.
This isn't how you should be using a bandaid.

While that method does do the job, covering the wound and soaking up the blood until it naturally scabs over, it does make for a weird bulbous fingertip that can easily get caught on things and absorb germs as you go about your daily duties.

Instead, the video makers claim that the injured person — or their ‘nurse’ — should carefully snip the sticky panels of the bandaid in half lengthways before attaching it.

This allows it to be fixed securely over the cut and for it to be much less bulky on the finger.

How you should actually be putting on a bandaid, by cutting the ends and crossing them over.
How you should actually be putting on a bandaid, by cutting the ends and crossing them over.

It also means that sticking the bandaid using this method on a knuckle means that the digit’s ‘hinge’ mechanism isn’t affected.

Last year Elastoplast revealed new state-of-the-art plasters that glow in the dark when the wound they are protecting gets infected.

This article originally appeared on The Sun and has been republished with permission.

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