
The downside of being married to a ridiculously good-looking man

THE WOMAN married to “Mr Six-Pack” has spoken about the brutal messages she receives and explained why her husband loves her just the way she is.

Drew and Jenna Kutcher. Picture: Lindsey Roman
Drew and Jenna Kutcher. Picture: Lindsey Roman

WEDDING photographer Jenna Kutcher understands her husband is the man of many women’s dreams.

Jenna, 29, is married to health business coach Drew Kutcher, whose ripped physique has earned him the moniker “Mr 6-Pack” and more than 17,000 followers on Instagram.

The self-described “curvy” girl has discussed how being married to Mr 6-Pack has affected her view of her own body in a post on Instagram.

“Someone once slid into my DMs and told me they couldn’t believe I had managed to land a guy as good looking as @kickingitwithkutch. I’ll be honest that I was taken aback,” she wrote in the post.

“Part of my insecurity with my body has stemmed around being married to Mr. 6-Pack himself. Why should I, a curvy girl get him? I feel unworthy and when I write narratives in my head that because I am not thin, I don’t deserve him.”

She goes on to praise her husband for the way he makes her feel about her body.

“This man has embraced every curve, every dimple, pound and pimple for the last ten years and has always me reminded me that I’m beautiful even when my inner dialogue doesn’t match (and when I haven’t showered in days),” she writes.

“So yes, my thighs kiss, my arms are big, and my bum is bumpy but there is just more of me for him to love and I chose the man that could handle alllll that (and so much more!)

I am so much more than my body, so is he, and so are you.”

Her post has been liked over 41,000 times and has attracted more than 2,000 comments.

“Thank you thank you thank you,” wrote one commenter.

“Your words totally rang true, I fall victim to the body insecurities and unworthy feeling of being loved by anyone but your post felt like a reality smack in the face. Thank you for reminding me that I am more than a size!”

‘My God, you’re gorgeous,” wrote another supporter.

“He’s lucky to have you. He’s in good shape, so good for him too, but I’m sure he knows (hopefully) what he’s got. Good luck, you two. Cherish what you have.”

Jenna, who suffered two miscarriages in two years, told Yahoo Lifestyle “I’ve struggled my whole life to love my body, something that started when I was a gymnast at a young age.

“I think deep down, as women, our biggest fear is that we aren’t enough, that our bodies are broken, and after walking through two losses, I was really struggling to ‘come home’ to my body.”

She says that she has received numerous personal messages from other women who feel insecure being married to a good-looking man.

She admits that sometimes it’s hard to be in a relationship with someone so lauded for their physical appearance.

“Drew is a babe. I know that, I see that, I love that. And to me, he’s the most handsome man on the planet,” she tells Yahoo Lifestyle.

“Since I have always struggled with weight, it’s sometimes hard being married to a man with muscles and a six-pack. I see the way people stare at him on the beach and the narrative in my head sounds like, ‘Why should you deserve a man like him? You’re fat, he should be with someone so much better looking.’ I tend to write stories for what I believe people are thinking — when, in reality, I know they probably aren’t thinking a thing.”

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