
Dr OZ’s pimple squeezing technique reveals we are doing it all wrong

WELL this is enough to get most of us in a spot of bother. Dr Oz has revealed the best way to get rid of a zit and it shouldn’t hurt a bit.

Dr Oz shows the right way to pop a pimple

WELL this is enough to get most of us in a spot of bother and the truth might hurt.

It turns out we have been squeezing our zits all wrong, at least as far as Dr Mehmet Oz is concerned anyway.

The surgeon and TV personality revealed the best way to get rid of a bothersome spot during the Oprah Show — and it’s supposed to be pain free.

In good news to those who squeeze and pick for hours until you’re left sore and bleeding, Dr Oz’s technique is a little less messy.

But be warned, it’s no less pretty and anyone with a weak stomach should probably stop reading now as it could make you squirm.

First you insert the skin horizontally through the pimple.
First you insert the skin horizontally through the pimple.

Dr Oz told the show that the most popular method of squeezing not only hurt but damaged the skin.

“Never squeeze a pimple because you will macerate it,” he warned.

“You’re destroying all the healthy tissue with the pressure you are putting on there by squeezing.”

So you’ve been warned.

But to make his point even clearer he then demonstrates the correct technique by using a giant fake zit and a clean needle.

Don't pierce downwards and only put the needle through the white head, Dr Oz reckons.
Don't pierce downwards and only put the needle through the white head, Dr Oz reckons.

Of course.

The clean, and preferably alcohol-wiped, needle should be parallel to the skin and inserted through the spot.

Just think a bit like meat on a BBQ skewer.

Then rip upwards.

But Dr Oz warns to only target the white area of the spot, which is filled with pus, as that’s the skin that’s already dead.

This technique releases the pus without so much as a squeeze.
This technique releases the pus without so much as a squeeze.

See you learn something new every day right?

Still it looks a lot more simpler and less painful than the woman who had a blackhead removed after 25 years.

Dr Oz shows us all how to squeeze a zit properly.
Dr Oz shows us all how to squeeze a zit properly.

If Dr Oz’s pimple squeezing technique makes your stomach turn, then definitely don’t watch this video of it being removed.

Still here?

Don’t say we didn’t warn you.

Digging out a 25-year-old blackhead

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