
DiscIotabs will revolutionise the way you brush your teeth

AS YOU read this, there’s an army of cells invading your body. And if you don’t arm yourself, you could be very sorry. WARNING: Graphic

How to use a Disclo Tab

WARNING: Graphic images

AS YOU read this, there’s an army of cells invading your body.

They’re setting up camp, sticking themselves to one of the most visible parts of the human anatomy, yet acting like invisible soldiers sucking out your vital minerals.

The body fights this microscopic bacteria on a daily basis; there’s no escape and certainly no defeat.

The primary offender is a film, or gelatinous substance, that clings to your teeth. We call it, plaque.

We’ve all heard about it before, but have you ever wondered just how much damage it is doing to your body?

Our mouth is a filthy hub of germs and bacteria; it’s where these nasty critters congregate, like the capital city of our body.

Organisms in your mouth act like little mini cities.
Organisms in your mouth act like little mini cities.

It’s a powerful warrior, plaque. It gives oral bacteria protection from the air, which kills germs, and it pins bacteria to your teeth, where they feed on the leftovers stuck in your mouth.

They’re not fussy, either, though they are particularly fond of carbohydrates and sugar.

All it takes is a few hours before plaque can convert carbohydrates into enamel decaying acids, building up and mineralising to form tartar.

While our mouth needs a dose of good bacteria to sustain its environment, too much of the bad stuff can cause some pretty damaging results.

The scary reality is that if you’re not looking after your teeth, you’re well on your way to owning a set of chompers that look a little something like this. Periodontitis, anyone?

Heavy calculus deposits, gum swelling, chronic inflammation, gingival recession and stains.
Heavy calculus deposits, gum swelling, chronic inflammation, gingival recession and stains.
Heavy calculus deposits, gum swelling, chronic inflammation, gingival recession, missing teeth and stains. This could be you.
Heavy calculus deposits, gum swelling, chronic inflammation, gingival recession, missing teeth and stains. This could be you.

“When you don’t brush you’re allowing bacteria to grow on your teeth, and the bacteria produces a sticky substance which helps the bacteria sit and multiply,” Trevor Morris, dentist from Sydney’s Holdsworth House.

“Whenever you eat or have anything with sugar in it, the bacteria releases acid, which damages teeth and sucks the minerals out of your teeth.

“The longer you travel without brushing your teeth, the more acid is released on the enamel and in the end it begins to break down and will develop decay.

“The end result is pain, staining of teeth or simply disfigurement of the tooth. If you leave it long enough your teeth can break away at the level of the gum and go brown.”

But there are ways to suppress these sticky suckers.

In fact, there’s an easy and cheap solution that is sure to keep your smile bright and white.

They call them Disclosing Tabs, or Disclotabs, for short.

These tiny tablets pack a killer punch.
These tiny tablets pack a killer punch.

Disclotabs are made from a harmless vegetable dye that stains the plaque already resting on your teeth. They help to prevent cavities and periodontal disease by allowing you to see the plaque that you haven’t been able to remove.

By doing so, it shows you where you need to focus your brushing, and what areas of your teeth you’re missing.

It’s a simple solution that could save you thousands in costs, and let’s be real, Cupid ain’t a fan of bad breath.

“Since plaque is somewhat translucent, a lot of people don’t see the plaque, so they go through a process of brushing but often miss areas,” explained Dr Morris.

“If you follow a similar [brushing] pattern then you will miss the same areas every time and thus, that’s where the decay will develop.

“Using a tablet, it draws attention to where the plaque is and then you can learn where you need to give more attention to your teeth.

“It’s a very good way of self learning how to brush your teeth.”



STEP ONE: After brushing and flossing, take one disclosing tablet and chew.

STEP TWO: Swish it around your mouth for 30-seconds and spit the remaining dye out.

STEP THREE: The dye should be stuck to the problem areas of your teeth. Check for signs near the gum line.

STEP FOUR: Brush and floss problem areas.

STEP FIVE: Voila! Say hello to a healthy white smile. You can thank us later.

— Disclosing tablets can be found at your local dentist.

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