
10 everyday activities that may be ruining your complexion

FROM drinking coffee, to chatting on the phone — here are some of the most common every day habits that can cause significant damage to your skin.

From sharing makeup, to drinking too much coffee. Here’s the five everyday habits that may be ruining your skin.
From sharing makeup, to drinking too much coffee. Here’s the five everyday habits that may be ruining your skin.

WITH the change of season, warmer nights and sweltering days — sometimes your skincare regime isn’t enough to fight a breakout.

The skin on your face is the most delicate, and is often exposed to a string of stresses that can cause irritations, dryness, blemishes or overall dullness.

From air pollution, UV and even the quality of water used when cleansing, even when you feel like you’re doing everything right — everyday bad habits can completely sabotage your skin.

From drinking a cup of coffee in the morning, to chatting on the phone — here are some of the

most common every day habits that can cause significant damage to our skin.


The phone may be your lifeline, and a device that most of us couldn’t live without, but chatting on it too frequently can cause havoc to your face.

A mobile phone is covered in bacteria that you’ve picked up from other people or the world around us.

Our most treasured electronic device may be the reason you’re breaking out.
Our most treasured electronic device may be the reason you’re breaking out.

While most of the bacteria is harmless, bringing your skin into contact with these kinds of germs can cause breakouts.

Form a habit of wiping your phone down with an antibacterial cloth every so often, and try not to bring it too close to your face.


Nothing will break the bond you have with coffee, but if you knew what it may be doing to your skin — you may think twice about your morning latte.

Notice a breakout? Might be time to cut your caffeine.
Notice a breakout? Might be time to cut your caffeine.

Caffeine in coffee is dehydrating, which can lead to dry and dull skin, as well as more pronounced fine lines.

According to Dermalogica, caffeine magnifies our body’s stress response, and this boosts the stress hormones which cause oil production and acne.

So if you want hydrated, dewy skin — but not oily — don’t go overboard with your cappuccinos.


We all know that sleeping in your makeup from a big night out is a big no-no when it comes to vigilant skincare, but did you know lying on your side can also create problems in your complexion?

Stomach and side sleepers often see deeper wrinkles than those who lay on their back.
Stomach and side sleepers often see deeper wrinkles than those who lay on their back.

According to, side sleepers often see deeper wrinkles or creases on the side of their face that they naturally turn to each night, as well as vertical creases down their cheeks and chin.

For a good night’s rest that also takes care of your face, try and sleep on your back for the duration of the night as this keeps everything off your face — including the pillow case.

In addition to changing your sleeping position, make the habit of changing your pillow cases every few days — because this is the surface that has the most intimate contact with your face, and can also cause breakouts.

If you’ve put oil or product in your hair before going to bed, put a towel on your pillow, and change the cover the next morning.


Going into the warmer months, having a hot shower isn’t such a concern when it comes to skin care. But when winter rolls back around, remember that a hot shower can cause dry and irritated skin by stripping away a lot of the natural oils in your skin.

Turning up the heat too much in a shower can strip away a lot of natural oils in your skin.
Turning up the heat too much in a shower can strip away a lot of natural oils in your skin.

If your skin starts to look red while in the shower, it’s time to turn down the heat a little.


While drinking through a straw may help reduce stains on your teeth, it can lead to fine lines and wrinkles around the mouth.

Sipping from a straw can lead to fine lines around the mouth.
Sipping from a straw can lead to fine lines around the mouth.

“Repeated straw drinking causes people to purse their lips and can create wrinkles from the repetitive muscle motion,” Rebecca Baxt told Huffington Post.

“Much like frowning causes wrinkles on the upper face.”

The repeated movement of pursing your lips can lead to a break down in collagen and elastin fibres around the area, causing unwanted wrinkles.

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