Texas women who are going under the knife to look like Ivanka Trump
DONALD Trump’s daughter, Ivanka, has her own dedicated army of followers - or should we say clones? They’re spending big to look just like their idol.
SHE’S the daughter of the man who could become America’s next President.
But as it turns out, Ivanka Trump has her own band of followers — who have spent tens of thousands of dollars in surgery just to look like Donald’s eldest daughter.
Country girl Tiffany Taylor is a mother-of-three, a total Texan at heart. But for the past year, the 33-year-old who works for an oil and gas business, has turned her sights on Ivanka Trump — and spent thousands of dollars on multiple surgeries to look like the celebrity businesswoman.
In an interview with ABC America, Mrs Taylor admitted that she had spent around $78,000 on plastic surgery to achieve the perfect Ivanka imitation.
“I had my breasts done and I got a ‘C,’ so I had them done a second time and got a ‘D,’” she said.
“I also had my nose done they just took out some of the bulk out of the tip and kind of defined it a little,” she added.
Mrs Taylor, who is a known socialite in her hometown, admitted to also having injections in her cheeks and a mini eye lift.
“Then I had my chin area lifted up to help with my acne scars and define the chin and I also had lipo in my stomach,” she said.
Jenny Stuart is another woman who envisioned changing her body and face to look more like Ivanka Trump.
The 36-year-old IT headhunter, who also lives in Texas, says she is a constant headturner when she goes out on the town.
“I’ve been told probably hundreds of times that I look like Angelina Jolie,” Stuart said.
Mrs Stuart, who is a mother-of-two, said she has spent at least $30,000 on transforming her face and body to achieve the ‘Ivanka look’.
“Honestly if she was running I would absolutely vote for her,” Stuart told ABC America.
“I was impressed with her when I saw her at the RNC. She looks amazing … and she’s just a very classy pretty, which I admire.”
Mrs Stuart opted for a liposuction to transfer fat to her bum and receive a Brazilian butt lift, as well as a nose job, breast implants and injectable fillers in her face.
Houston-based surgeon, Dr. Franklin Rose, operated on both Mrs Stuart and Mrs Taylor, admitting the ‘Ivanka look’ had become more and more popular in recent times.
“She’s very beautiful and she’s very poised … and very elegant and very soft-spoken. So patients want to be like that,” Dr Rose said.
“This might be the 1000th very, very beautiful patient that I’ve operated on,” Dr Rose said. “In an odd way, it’s sort of more enjoyable because you can take the beautiful into the hyper-beautiful.”
But despite the attempted transformation, Mrs Stuart won’t be voting for Trump when American citizens head to the polls next week.
“It might seem ironic to some I’ve spent all this time and money to try and look like Ivanka, who I still adore and I think she’s gorgeous and a good business woman, but I don’t associate her with father,” Stuart said.
“I cannot possibly condone his behaviour even though I have historically voted Republican … so I voted for Hillary.”