
Model spends $240,000 on surgery to look like Kim Kardashian

THIS model had butt and breast implants and four ribs removed to look like her idol. She decided to get nude in the desert.

Model spends 240k on surgery to look like Kim Kardashian

A MODEL who spent $A240,000 to look like Kim Kardashian-West has imitated her idol’s iconic naked photo shoot in the desert.

Jennifer Pamplona, 24, posed nude on scorching sand for the shoot in Las Vegas, Nevada, wearing just white body paint.

Jennifer, a former Versace model, has had more than $A240,000 worth of surgeries and cosmetic procedures, including butt implants and having four ribs removed, to emulate her idol’s body.

In the desert photo shoot that took place last week, Jennifer showed off her recently enlarged butt after having fat taken from her stomach and injected into it for a second time.

Jennifer’s version of the shoot. Picture: Sunnie Heers / Caters News
Jennifer’s version of the shoot. Picture: Sunnie Heers / Caters News
Kim Kardashian’s original shoot. Picture: E!
Kim Kardashian’s original shoot. Picture: E!

She says that the public regularly confuses her for Kim K and struggled to tell them apart in images.

Jennifer said: “To recreate this photo shoot was like a dream come true for me.

“We went out into the desert, I had the body paint applied to my skin and then I posed naked for the very first time.

“I had never done a naked photo shoot before, so was a little shy at first, but after the results were amazing.

“I saw my butt for how big it is in the pictures, normally when I look in the mirror I don’t see how large it is, but it’s made me realise it needs to be a little bigger.

“The photo shoot make me feel very beautiful and despite being fully nude the images look very classy and not vulgar.”

Jennifer’s desert shoot. Picture: Sunnie Heers / Caters News
Jennifer’s desert shoot. Picture: Sunnie Heers / Caters News

“In my eyes, Kim Kardashian’s naked photographs in the desert are the most beautiful ones she has ever taken and when recreating them I felt beautiful too.”

Jennifer who had never posed naked before was glad to overcame her fears.

She added: “I was a bit shy to be naked at first, there were quite a few people in the desert with me, but I’ll do anything for my work.

“The main problem I had was the dealing with the heat, it was quite difficult to sit down and lie naked on the hot sand, especially as it’s only three weeks since my last butt procedure.”

It was the first time Jennifer had posed naked. Picture: Sunnie Heers / Caters News
It was the first time Jennifer had posed naked. Picture: Sunnie Heers / Caters News

Jennifer who grew up in Sao Paulo, Brazil, was 17-years-old when she had a boob job and since then has been obsessed with getting a curvier body through plastic surgery.

She has had ribs removed, liposuction, butt implants, a rhinoplasty and more to achieve her dream of looking like Kim Kardashian-West.

Jennifer said: “I fell in love with surgery a long time ago, but after seeing Kim Kardashian I wanted to look like and have curves like her.

“I used to be bullied quite a lot in high school because I was so skinny and not as curvy as other Brazilians.

“Now I get told that I have lips like Kylie Jenner and that I’m getting close to having a butt like Kim Kardashian.”

What Jennifer used to look like. Picture: Caters News
What Jennifer used to look like. Picture: Caters News
Jennifer’s face now. Picture: Sunnie Heers / Caters News
Jennifer’s face now. Picture: Sunnie Heers / Caters News

In public, she is often confused for the star and during the launch of her lipstick line, Jennifer Pamplona Cosmetics, people thought she was the real deal.

Jennifer said: “When people see me on the street they often ask for pictures because they recognise me and instantly notice my curves.

“While launching Jennifer Pamplona Cosmetics, my lipstick line, I had lots of people confusing me for Kim Kardashian-West.

“Especially since being in Las Vegas I get told I am beautiful and look like Kim Kardashian all the time.

“It makes me happy hearing that I look like her because she is very beautiful.”

Earlier this month, Jennifer had her second butt implant in a bid to give her a derrière to rival her Keeping Up With The Kardashians idol costing $A107,000.

Despite having more than 500ml of fat injected already, she wants to go even bigger.

Jennifer said: “I am definitely happy with how my butt looked from my photo shoot, but I still want to make it a little bigger.

“Surgeons have said it’s not possible, they think I’m too exaggerated and that I don’t need any more but I’m determined to make it happen.”

Jennifer thinks her butt could be bigger. Picture: Caters News
Jennifer thinks her butt could be bigger. Picture: Caters News

Jennifer is set to star on a TV Show following the Plastics of Hollywood — a talent agency for human dolls, living cartoons and extreme-cosplayers.

The show will see her and other stars, including human Ken doll Rodrigo Alves, try to nurture talent away from the world of plastic surgery and make it in the cutthroat world of showbiz.

Marcela Iglesias, talent manager, said: “If you look at Jennifer you can tell she has had some stuff done but looks most natural of all dolls I have.

“She has a natural look in comparison to the others, so has more chances for jobs than some of the others as she looks more normal. “

“I love Jennifer, I think she will be great for the agency, the way she looks will get a lot of work with us, look forward to working with her.

“Next step for her is to go to acting classes, accent reduction classes, so for some roles the accent has to disappear.

“None of these people would have a chance with a regular agency, the real world sees them as cartoon dolls but they’re humans who just look different.

“We’re the only agency that will give them a chance at becoming famous for something other than their plastic surgery.”


500cc butt implants

Four ribs removed

Breast implants x2



Cheek fillers

Lips fillers


Fat injection to thighs

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